Story One: Super Mario Arc

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February Fifth, Chapter One: "The Quest Of Mario"

Prompt: You must include a dialogue of two people talking. Remember to use quotation marks and appropriate punctuation.

Mario set off on his journey to Bowser Castle. He fought through Koopas, Goombas, Heat, Snow, Lava, and nothing stood in his way. After day, his trek was over! The lava-guarded castle loomed in the blackness of night, though the lava lit up the whole boundary. Running up the castle stairs, Mario called, "Peach! I'm coming for you!"

"Not so fast, Dork-io!" snarled Dry Bones, the captain of Bowser's guards. "We'll CRUSH you!" said another soldier. 

"Not a chance!" replied Mario. He jumped on top of the Koopa skeletons causing them to fall apart. Continuing up the stairs, he found the biggest fleet of soldiers he had ever seen! Will he rescue Peach, or will he come to an end?

February Fourteenth' Chapter Two: "Peach's Hero"

Prompt: Write a story using quotation marks.

Our hero Super Mario is surrounded by dozens of dry bone soldiers. Then, fortunately, a mystery prize box appeared above Mario's head. He jumped, opened it, and transformed into Fire Mario. 

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Super Mario. 

"AAAAAAAAAH!" screams of terror swept through the halls. 

"FIRE!!!!" Mario yelled as the fire balls from his hands hurled at the soldiers, burning them to the ground. He rushed up the stone steps to find Bowser's "throne room", though Bowser wasn't royalty. 

The Princess was in the clutches of Bowser's giant claws. 

"MARIO! What are you doing here?!" bellowed the titan. 

"Luckily, I turned to fire, so we're a match!" answered Mario. 

Bowser shouted, "THAT'S NOT WHAT I ASKED!" the titan breathed his fire. 

Reader, of course, our hero dodged and rushed to Bowser's clutch of Peach. The only thing Bowser could do to keep Mario from Peach was to throw her. 

And he did. 

A. N. I can't find the page with the ending, so I'll just rewrite how I remember it happening:

"Oof!" Mario's brother, Luigi had climbed up through the window and caught Peach in his arms.

Crap. I don't remember how Mario defeats Bowser, probably by jumping on the button and dropping him into the lava. Anyway, Peach thanks the bros for saving her, and Luigi gets up saying, "Ohh, my belly." Because he jumped and caught the princess while landing in his belly. Then, I don't remember anything else. 

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