Story Five: Pokemon and My Little Pony Arc

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May Twenty-Third, "Pokemon vs. The Princess" based upon the fifteenth Pokemon movie, "Kyurem VS. The Sword Of Justice"

Prompt: What is the title of your book? Change the characters, setting, or solution to the problem. Rewrite the story with one of these elements changed. 

Keldeo wanted to be a Sword of Justice, a member of a group of legendary Pokemon: Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion. The three Swords of Justice used the move Sacred Sword but Keldeo. To prove his strength, Keldeo snuck into the night to find Kyurem, the strongest Dragon-type Pokemon in the world. 

Kyurem rejected the challenge and said, "You're not worthy, go battle someone your own size!"

Keldeo had no choice. He had to travel to Equestrian, the realm of ponies. It was eager to fight Princess Twilight Sparkle. 

"Your Majesty, I challenge you to a battle!" Keldeo told Twilight.

"I accept your challenge, Keldeo. But I will not go too easy on you." Twilight agreed. They took their stances. "I hope you have the same magic as I do, fair Pokemon." Twilight said. Her horn glowed and she changed to a larger unicorn with giant, magnificent wings.

"No! Everyone has to change form! Don't they?!" Keldeo screamed with fury. His horn glowed like Twilight's and he turned into a great unicorn with a blue horn and red mane. With a beat of her wings, Twilight Sparkle took to the air, and Keldeo shot up to Twilight, shooting water out of his hooves using water jet! It smacked Twilight Sparkle with Secret Sword, but she didn't fall! She shot Keldeo with one powerful surge of magic. Keldeo fell to the ground, tired. 

"Keldeo, did you see what just happened?"

"I know, I lost!" Keldeo stammered.

"No. You used Secret Sword!"

Keldeo changed back to its regular form. 

"You are an official Sword of Justice!" Twilight Sparkle said. 

"I...I," Keldeo couldn't speak. 

"you've proven your strength, but one more thing. Have you learned a lesson?"

Keldeo thought for a moment and began, " Yes, I have. I learned to not start too big and work my way up to the larger life challenges."

Twilight chuckled, "By the way is a very valuable lesson."

"Princess?" Keldeo started, "Could you teach me more about magic?"

Twilight was surprised. "Accepted. But, you have to go home and tell the other Swords of Justice what happened and what I will teach you!"

"Okay, Your Highness! I'll return with Cobalion and the others tomorrow!" Keldeo said, bowing to the princess. It started galloping back to the Unova region. 

"Hurry!" called Twilight.

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