Story Two: The Legend of Zelda Arc

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February Twenty-Seventh, First Edition: "Jake The Hunter"

Prompt: Attached, you will find a story about Jake The Hunter. Follow the instructions and rewrite the new and improved story in your notebook. 

Jake was nearing through the forest. He had on old bow and arrow, which had once belonged to his father. He spotted a big buck nibbling on the leaves of an old oak tree. Jake shot it with has bow and arrow. He carried the deer on his back to his house. He was glad he had found something that could last half a week. 

His father disappeared two years ago, that left him to take care of his mom and brothers. Jake tried to teach them to shoot an arrow, though they were only nine, ten, and too young to help him hunt for food. 

Jake slid the buck off of his shoulders and hung it over the rotisserie pit, thinking about how happy his family would be finding out he found something nice and juicy. Jake entered the cottage expecting to see his little brothers running up to greet him, but no one was there. His house was silent. He pulled out his shiny knife, once owned by his dad. Jake crept around the dark shadowy house. As he walked, he saw that it looked like everyone just, vanished. 

Then, Jake heard a loud door creak open, then silence again. Jake was shaking from fear when he heard an evil laugh echo through the house. Then, Jake heard a small whisper say, "I have them. They are mine now. Come and get them if you can." 

Jake gasped. 

"What's more, I have your father too." said the voice. 

After I became obsessed with the song, "Wolf-i-fied" from the Littlest Pet Shop cartoon, which took me into the Sonic fandom, or wolf Sonic, which I threw out and morphed into my infatuation with Link from Twilight Princess, I give you:

Second Edition: "Link The Hunter"

Link tiptoed through the forest with his bow drawn. He spotted a large buck nibbling on oak leaves. Link shot it with an arrow and carried the buck back home. Link was happy he found game that could last a week. 

His father died in the war when Link was a baby, that left him to take care of his mother and sister. Link slid the deer off of his shoulders and hung it over the rotisserie pit. He though of his mother's happiness if she got to eat something juicy for dinner for the next few days. Link entered his house expecting his mother's greeting. 

Nobody was there but silence and darkness. He pulled out his Master Sword and slowly walked around the house. Everything was absolutely still. The last place to look was the basement. He started down the ladder and lit his lantern. Then he heard a high giggle echo through the house, then silence again. Link showed no fear, for he had the Triforce of Courage. Link heard a small whisper say, "I have her. She's mine now."

Link gasped. 

"What's more," said the voice, "I killed your father too."

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