Concept: Lost Brothers, Link And Sora

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A fiction concept I came up with in elementary school involving a crossover between the video game franchises, "Kingdom Hearts" and "The Legend of Zelda". I created plenty of art, dreamed plenty of dreams, looked up a ton of fanart, and a bunch of other planning that never became anything. Based loosely on the idea from the Tinkerbell movie, "Secret of the Wings" that the two sister's wings glow when they are near each other, same with Link and Sora's weapons that chose them. Also, I hadn't played Twilight Princess at the time nor had any idea what happens in that game. 

A thing I didn't think about was that the Kingdom Key chose Ventus's heart, not Sora's, so it would mean Ventus is Link's long-lost brother, but that's not the story. For what reason would the two weapons separate? Who knows? Let's just begin with the origin story. 

Long ago, like, Hyrulean renaissance time, as in Twilight Princess time, there was a great stir in some village somewhere. The villagers scurried to evacuate and get to Hyrule Castle Town where it was safe from Western invaders. A woman, let's call her, Tala, was one of those villagers; one of the refugees. Her husband was on the warfront, battling whoever these invaders were, while she stayed home to guard their twin sons: Link, who will become the Hero Chosen By The Gods (Hero Of Twilight), and Sora, who will become a Guardian Of Light.

In some kerfuffle, Tala ended up losing baby Sora to a something which took him somehow to Destiny Islands, and when she totally jacked some stray horse, all she could do was gallop away. In the dead of night, she arrived in Hyrule Castle Town and found an abandoned home down an alley that happened to have a crib for baby Link. The distraught mother found pillows to fill the crib with and put her baby to rest. She pulled up a short stool to sit on while she rocked him to sleep. While Tala did this, she grieved for the loss of her non-Hylian child. 

Sora's name echoed in her mind as she lamented, "Link, you're all I have left." 

The glistening tear on her cheek seemed to disappear when she heard pounding on the door and a gruff voice shouting,

"Open up, Tala! I have news from the army!"

The woman opened the door to find a sullen, grey-haired man with a goatee wearing soldier's armor. He sullenly and quickly revealed his message:

"It's tragic news, ma'am...errr- about your husband...Delk, he's dead."

"No." The woman said in a deep voice and immediately closed the door in the soldier's face. She collapsed to the floor and began to weep, "First my son, and now..." a shadow fell over the widow's sobbing face. 

Some more things happen, ending with all the events in Twilight Princess, while Sora grows up to the age of eighteen, possibly to Kingdom Hearts 3. I don't remember exactly what the calling to each other was, but they are in a time of peace when the Chosen Ones find their way to a blue, lighted chamber where the Kingdom Key and Master Sword glow to each other, seemingly a sign of fellowship. 

The blond-haired Hylian and the brown-haired keyblade wielder looked across the brightly-glowing plain of a tall, luminescent grassy substance, wondering who each other could be, and why their weapons with completely different appearances would have anything in common. Completely different origins, different wielders. 

Who are you? They seemed to ask with equally intrigued gazes.

The two young men hesitantly stepped toward each other, which caused their blades to grow brighter. 

"The Keyblade..." Link spoke, having no idea what he was saying, but becoming enlightened. 

"The Master Sword..." Sora whispered, suddenly knowing what was in the other man's grasp.

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