Sora X Reader P.T. 2 Remember

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((*_* enjoy usa-chan))

All of it
With a small hint of grey

You looked everywhere...nothing.
You suddenly fell to the ground and held your stomach. It felt as if swords were being plunged into your stomach. But you werent bleeding. You started screaming of anger, sadness and every other type of emotion there was. Soon your memories started drifting away into the abyss of your mind. You soon started to loose your voice dew to screaming and yelling so much. Then... It stopped. The screaming, crying and yelling. All of it was gone. After that you didnt feel the pain in your stomach. Your tears dried up and left. Your voice was back to itself. But something wasnt right. You didn't remeber something. But it wouldn't click. You felt blood coming from your stomach. But there was no pain. You looked down amd saw the blood. "M-maybe...i-its my time...m-maybe i should...take a nap..." you let your body relax as it hit the.cobblestone ground. All you could hear was thw sound of rain pouring on the ground. All you could see was a pair of black shoes coming closer to you before you blacked out.

---somewhat later---
You groaned and woke up in a pair of arms carrying you. Was it sora? Riku? You looked up to see a man with the brightest green eyes and red spiky hair. He looked down at you "ah your finally awake" he smiled "we should get you back to castle oblivion before some heartlesses get here" he started running and you held onto him for dear freaking life. "W-who are you?" you asked "hn. Im Axel. Got it memorized?" he chuckled and you blankly stared at him "uh.... I think so..... Uhm... Im....." you trailed off. You forgot your own name. "I...i don't even remember my own name....." your eyes widened slightly. "Heh dont worry. The organization will give you a new one. Youll be the 14th member of the organization" Axel smiled as he set you down and opened a portal '14th member?...organization? New name?' your mind filled with questions. Axel led you threw the portal which showed a big castle.


After Axel showed you around. He led you to his room "if you ever need anything. Im nostly akways here, got it memorized?" he pointed to his temple. You nodded with a small grin. He then showed you to your room. He opened tue door and the room was pure white. Well. Not PURE white. There was a hint of grey in It you honestly didn't mind. All that matterd to you was that you found somewhere to live... "Thank you Axel" you spoke silently "now. Lets go to Saïx so he can assign your name and your first mission" Axel put and arm on your shoulder and led you to the grey room

The sunset.
So beautiful
Do you remember?
We sat at the beach and watched the waves reflect the sunset
Do you remember?
Even on cloudly nights
The sunset was so beautiful

A few minutes later you got your new name which was "Acex" ((idk i just thought of it XDD)) you actually liked it. And for your first mission you went with Axel to fight heartless on Wonderland.
--in wonderland--
Axel had showed you how to summon your weapon which was a keyblade. "Axel.... How many nobodies have keyblades" you asked while fighting some heartless "eh. You roxas and xion" you nodded at his reply and you both defeated the heartless and collected a heart. At the corner of your eye you noticed someone who looked oddly familiar. He had chocolate brown spiky hair with the brightest blue eyes. Probably brighter than the bluest sea. You hid behind a flower and watched the guy walk with two others behind him. Something clicked in your mind that brought back a memory

"Sora!!" you cried out as he slowly faded away

"Ill find you someday"he smiled holding your cheek

"Please dont leave me alone!" your tears fell onto his fading hand. Soon. His hand turned into small blue butterflys and faded away. You noticed his soft hand leave yoyr cheek and looked up at him. He was half way gone. You took this time and kissed him. He gladly kissed back but the kiss was broken. He was gone. You dropped to your knees and sobbed. Soon you felt tierd and fell asleep on the cold ground.

--end of flashback--

"Sora" you whispered
"Who?" Axel stood next to you
"Its sora.... Hes alive" you started to feel tears prick at your eyes as you ran towards sora and hugged him making him stumble over

"W-what the. What are you doi-" he looked at you and he remembered. He hugged back as you sobbed "Sora your alive. Your really alive" you looked into his blue eyes and smiled as your (e/c) shimmerd from the tears "i am alive. But. Your also alive" he smiled and hugged you "i missed you so much....but....i.....cant feel emotions but i feel this.....Sora....what is this feeling" you asked worryingly "its called love..... And i love you" he kept his smile and he pulled you down to him and kissed you deeply. You gladly kissed back. After the kiss broke. You two made a promise.

"No matter what. Even if we're separated. Ill always remember you. Ill always love you"


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