secret love

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vanitas x reader

you loved vanitas with everything in your heart, you'd give up fighting for him if you could, but fighting wasn't the main reason you you loved him. during the keyblade war with aqua, ven and terra. you stumbled upon them and decided to help. they gladly took you in and you helped with various worlds.

that is until you were with aqua in peter pans world, you were just about to finish up with something and head back to the camp when this boy came and ruined your guys' mission.

it took a long lasting fight to try to defeat him but you both managed, knowing later you would need to find a shop and stock up on potions.

"hey aqua, you go on ahead. i'll finish this guy off" you say clashing keyblades with the other. aqua was hesitant at first but knew you all too well to know that you wouldn't lose. she went off to find any of the lost boys and pan.

you looked at the boy with the black mask and smirked "ready to be defeated!?" you raise your keyblade and before he could speak you threw a swing at him, knocking him down but he quickly got back up throwing one swing at you.

eventually the battle lasted a good while before you knocked off his helmet and holding him down. he was panting mess while looking up at you, a smile formed on his lips.

"look at you y/n, you've gotten better at this from when we last met"

his words made you gasp a little and stand back, you kept your guard up incase it wasn't him.

"van? why- why are you here?" you asked gripping the handle to your keyblade tighter

"just came to say hello to my one and only~" he purred standing up and dusting himself off.

you blushed softly, you refused to let your heart be won over just with a few simple words "you're looking in the wrong places then. now, run along before i really break your bones"

a small laugh fell behind you "oh my dear- how you wound my dark soul!" he walks next to you. "but if i must, i will pretend i was defeated, but tonight when you go back home. meet me by the entrance. i want to talk to you" he whispered in your ear before opening a portal and leaving.

your cheeks turned a light pink and you thought about the thing he wanted to talk about. you shook the thoughts away and went to look for aqua.

———- time skip

you and aqua went back to your home world and separated into your room.
  you waited for the time to be right until you'd seen a portal appear at the entrance. you smile softly and quickly put on your shoes and quietly run out of your room. it was fairly dark at this time but you managed with a small ball of fire.

getting to the entrance you went down the stairs and stood next to him "the stars are lovely aren't they?" you speak up causing the boy to blush, he wasn't wearing his mask which was fairly rare.

"y/n?" the silence broke


"i-i want to tell you something really important- and i don't know how you'll feel about it or me afterwards"

"okay?" you trailed off facing him

the silence took over again for a few seconds before he spoke up

"i like you y/n, i really really love you and i don't want to loose you, and that little battle earlier, it made me realize how much i truly want to be with you" he blushed brightly hiding away his face.

it took you a few seconds to collect the information you were just told "v-van.... i like you too"

with that you both shared a loving kiss ad spent the rest of the night... well... you know

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