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young Eraqus x reader x young Xehanort

(eraqus and xehanort will be sort of young as adults. i wanna say both of them would be like ansems age)
this takes place when you three are younger and progresses to when you three are older

y/n was always the bright student. she had something in her that kept her heart in both the darkness or the light. limbo, is how you would say it. her emotions varied to the situation she was in but when she was with eraqus and xehanort, she'd be content. reading by the windows while the others would play chess or make up silly games.

if anything y/n meant so much to the two boys. despite their beliefs. they thought of how amazing y/n was. whenever they'd fight, y/n would be there to resolve it in a normal manner, not choosing sides or being bias.

but as time went on so did the training. their mark of mastery exam was due the upcoming week. they were all nervous and scared that one of them would be leaving. yet they knew they'd all be best friends. forever. or so they may believe.

~~|~~ the week of the MoME ~~|~~

y/n sat outside with eraqus and xehanort talking about their future lives together.

their master, master odin came outside to tell them that they were to get ready and show him what they got. the nervousness built up between the three.

they all walked inside and prepared themselves for a long and tiring battle against each other.

"alright, now that you three are here. all three of you will fight until you cannot stand anymore. one of you will succeed while the other two stay behind. and seeing as how close you three are. i don't want any hesitation. no holding back and no apologies" odin spoke with bravery, i'm his voice echoed through the big room.

three got ready and stood at a different corner of the room.

~~|~~ long ass battle later ~~|~~

the three panted softly. y/n had managed to find her way around and weaken the two with some combos. master odin stood up with a nod. healing his three pupils and having them at her around.

the boys already knew who they'd be loosing. eraqus felt happy for y/n while xehanort felt envy and sadness for y/n.

"my three pupils. i'm glad you all fought your hardest. but as ive said before. only one shall pass the exam. eraqus, you fought greatly with good intentions, xehanort. you fought harshly with difficult intentions. and y/n you fought fairly and choose neither the light or the darkness. and for that. you are the new keyblade master"

y/n smiled and turned to hug her friends. eraqus hugging back tightly while xehanort sort of patted her back. "good job y/n" they both said.

y/n turned back to odin and thanked him. with that she was on her way to go on more harder missions and find her own pupils.

xehanort and eraqus trained every year and each one ended up becoming keyblade masters. the two ended up splitting into their own lives. never seeing each other for a long time.

~~|~~ 13 years later ~~|~~

eraqus' life:

master eraqus took on three pupils, terra aqua and ventas. each were bright students with light to guide their hearts in the right path. although ven came from a strange path. everyone welcomed him as if he were just any normal person.

xehanorts life:

xehanort moved into from y/n and eraqus, starting his teachings with a kid named Vanitas. a copy of Ventas. as Ventas is light, vanitas is the darkness. xehanort switched everything about him to the master of darkness.

y/n's life: y/b took in three great pupils, all of which came from king mickey and master yen sid. Sora, Riku and Kairi. she taught them how to balance out the darkness and light and to use them both with fair intentions.

normal life:

y/n walked around her room and thought of something different. she'd wanted to see her friends from when she was younger. she found her idea and hopped on her ship and went to the world from which she grew up in.

in that world (sorry idk what it's called)

master odin lived his life in the same world. the entire place changed up. yet he didn't at all. y/n walked into the building and looked for master odin. once finding him she told him all about her loving pupils and how much she enjoyed teaching them about the light and darkness.

upon coming to her conclusion. she asked where her friends were, odin she response was two certain worlds that eraqus and xehanort resigned at.

she hopped into her ship once again and went on her way.


also thank you for reading this. i call it: the big come back. lol

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