E.C. 3

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"Behind the walls"

Location, northern wall of Light City. The group started their operation, and headed inside the northern wall's gate.

There were no people insight. The reason is because this walls are not yet done with it's repairs, due to the escapes during repairs, making it not safe to use the facilities.

There are rooms half done. Some spots of the area have no lights. Its like your typical scene in a horror movie.

The group searched high and low for clues inside the wall, but all they could find were dusts and rubles in every room they enter.

"I suppose we wont find anything in here, and i dont think that anyone would hide in an empty room." Maya said with a sigh and continued. "Of course no one said that this would be easy."

"Maybe the pipes here are just rusty, or the water supply just got contaminated when the walls got damaged." Noel said with boredom clearly seen in his face.

"Fine, lets go check the water supply below, so we could leave this area."

The group went down the stairs, and entered a room that would lead them to the water supply.


The group turned relax to alert and cautious after entering the room, because what they saw in the entrance through the water supply were stains of blood.

"Hey, maybe it's just paint that accidentally spilled."

"Don't be stupid Noel, this spill patterns don't resemble a paint being thrown off,the spill isnt thick, and this one looks more like a spray than a spill. Meaning the victims were cut deep and fast. A quick death. Oh and my smell is strong too, so im sure this is blood."

"Sonely, im pretty sure that the last one you just said is the only reason you know its a blood."

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're stupid. Bllee!" Sonely put out her tongue like a kid.

"... you're lucky that you're size is cute, or i would have spanked you like a baby."

"H-h-h-who-who are you saying s-s-s-small like a baby!!"

Tomoyo went closer to analyze the stain."The blood is hard to remove from the wall, i suppose its been there for more than a day or so. What do you think Maya?"

"Blood on the walls, and it continues inside the water supply, meaning this amount of blood is coused by multiple victims."

"But the police reported that they also went to the water supply, and saw nothing right?" Sonely questioned with confusion seen on her face.

"More conspiracy!? Give me a break already!"

"Don't jump to conclusions Noel, we're not sure of the time when the blood was spilled, or if they actually did search this area. The only reason we got to this entrance was we asked for the blueprints from the higher ups. Normally, no one with authority from the higher ups can take a look at the walls blueprints, to avoid giving it to the wrong hands. So most likely the police might have searched outside the walls, and looked from the water entrance of the water supply, to cut off the escape of the escapees route of exit."

"....you're such a know it all Maya, you know that."

"Can't blame me for being me Noel, im just to awesome."

"Some day, ima beat the crap out of ya, and I'm gonna be the happiest man alive."

"Keep dreaming." Maya went ahead inside while Tomoyo and Sonely hold off Noel from his attempts to pour his frustration to her.

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