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     The next morning, Adleigh woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring. She rolled over and patted along her bedside table for her phone. When she finally found it she yanked it towards her turning off the alarm. The phone read in bold letters 9:30. She had almost forgotten it was Sunday. Sundays mean brunch. Adleigh and Laken had been going to brunch together every Sunday for at least 5 years. Adleigh heard footsteps in the room beside her, so Laken must've been up too. She grudgingly rolled out of bed and stretched. It may have been her choice to stay up until 4 a.m., but it wasn't her fault that her book got interesting half way through a chapter.

    She tugged on the curtains draping over her window only to see another dreary day. Clouds hung low and the sound of rain pattered. Typical. Turning her back towards the window, she began to get ready for the day. Sadly, she couldn't just wear leggings and a hoodie like she wanted. She wondered if they had to do brunch now that they'd see each other everyday. Her door creaked open. Laken stood there in her pajamas with her hands on her hips.

She yawned before speaking up, "Do we have to do brunch every Sunday now that we live together?"

"I was just thinking the same thing, but no, I'd rather just watch Netflix or something."

"How about we do one last Sunday brunch? Maybe invite Elsie too?"

Adleigh nodded, "I'm down."

Laken sashayed out of the room leaving Adleigh alone in front of her closet. She grabbed a striped sweater and threw it over her head. She looked in her mirror at her appearance 'good enough, I guess'. With a shrug she padded out of her room and plopped down on the carpet. The two friends barely started building the couch when they got home from the bookstore. Not too long after, Laken walked down dressed similarly to Adleigh.

"Elsie is going to meet us there. Are you ready to go?"

Adleigh hopped onto her feet and linked arms with Laken.

"Let's do this thing."


When they arrived at the café they sat in their usual bay window booth where Elsie was sat waiting. She was engrossed in her phone. Adleigh coughed to get her attention.

Letting out a squeal Elsie chirped, "Goodness gracious you scared the living hell out of me!"

The girls all bubbled with laughter. Although this would most likely be the last brunch for a while, they could tell it would be the best one of many. They began to calm down and decide what to eat. You'd think after 5 years of eating at the same place every Sunday, they'd have a set order.

Elsie broke the silence.

"So, Adleigh, you're working at the bookstore now?"

"Yeah! I'm really excited as well. I love books."

Laken's sarcasm seeped through her words. "Do you really love books or do you love the idea of working with someone as hot as that "Fionn" kid?"

"Hey! I did not take the job to work with Fionn! Yeah, he might be easy on the eyes, but"

"No buts! You practically had heart eyes staring at him read yesterday."

"I had heart eyes for the book he was reading. The Hate You Give is a wonderful book!"

Elsie snorted, "Oh my god you have a book kink don't you?"

"Gosh, don't kink shame the girl, Else."

"I don't have a bloody book kink!"

Just in time, a waitress came up to their booth and took their orders, ultimately changing the subject.

Adleigh couldn't help but have the thought of the way Fionn looked while he was reading shoved into the back of her mind. The way his glasses fell onto the bridge of his nose, and how his entire body tended up when something happened. He was quite a mysterious guy and Adleigh had made very little conversation with him, but for some reason she was hooked. And she liked it.

Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was lacking creative inspo and definitely had a case of writer's block. As always, thanks so much for reading and giving me feedback! I absolutely adore it! I'm also really sorry that this chapter is short, sucky, and a filler.

Follow me on ig: @fionnly
and twitter: @stripedtees

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