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"Have you been here before?" Harry asked as the Hogwarts express gradually stopped at Hogsmede station,

"Yes, I used to live here for a while, when my brother taught here, he was the DADA teacher before Quirril. He now works for the ministry as a reviewer of the official material used in Hogwarts." I told Harry,

"Ron, do you remember that time when you came over and we spent all of my pocket money on sweets from Honey-dukes and got to hyper we almost set the shrieking shack on fire?" I asked reminiscing.

"Yes, I remember that clearly. Mum told us off so badly." Ron sighed as we opened the compartment door and stepped out into the station floor and towards Hagrid...

This is it. My chance to change my stars.

"Riddle, Nyx." I stood up straighter, then walked up towards Minnie.

As I sat down on the stool, Minerva placed the spurting hat on my hazelnut coloured curled hair.

"Ahh, another Riddle, I think your brother did well in Ravenclaw, you could too, because your cleaver, you have a thirst for knowledge, but that's not who you are destined to be, you could be in Hufflepuff, you have courage and bravery, but you would also for that reason do well in Griffindor. But as your father would not have hoped, you're not suited for Slytherin, yes your cunning, but your not one of them. You're too good, and for that reason, your perfect for 'GRIFFINDOR'!" The sorting hat shouted to the whole Great Hall.

As Minerva took the spurting hat off I got up and walked calmly towards the Griffindor table.

The Weasley boys with Harry, Neville and a very in control girl names Hermine, cheered with the rest of the Griffindor's.

Heart Of Hogwarts.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя