An Arrival

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Дорогая мисс Загадка,

Мы с сожалением сообщаем вам, что мы, Дурмштранг, дали вам неправильную дату для начала срока.

Наша термина начинается не 1 сентября, а на август 30-го. Мы приносим извинения за любые неудобства, вызванные этим. Мы будем забрать вас в школе Хогвартс, в 12:00 резким.

С уважением,

Игорь Каркаров

(Dear Miss Riddle,

We regret to inform you that we, Durmstrang, have given you the wrong date for the start of term.

Our term starts not on September 1st but on August the 30th. We apologise for any inconveniences caused by this. We will pick you up at Hogwarts School, at 12:00 sharp.

Yours sincerely,

Igor Karkaroff )

Fortunately for me this letter was written in Russian, and I speak and read fluent Russian as I'm half Russian. Harry looked at the letter with suspicion.

"Why is it written in Russian?"

"It's from Durmstrang, apparently they mixed the dates up and I have to arrive at Hogwarts on the 30th." I told Harry annoyed

"Oh, that's... yeah..." Harry tried to say awkwardly,

"I know, so I've got three days to enjoy you guys, as Hermione and Ron get back tomorrow." I smiled happily,

"Okay... so what should we do today?"

"Well I'm going to Hogsmede, with my new broom to try it out on the Quiddich pitch, Albus agreed last night, so what we need to bring our good clothes and our brooms also muggle and wizard money." I smiled.

"Fine." Harry agreed, "As long as we go in the shops afterwords." Harry compromised,

"DONE!" I agreed.

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