Waking A Sleeping Witch.

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"HERMIONE!" I whisper shouted,


"HERMIONE!" I got louder and louder,

Still no answer.

That was it, I grabbed my wand, "Aqueous!" I muttered.

A jet of freezing cold water spurted out of my wand.

"I'M UP!" Hermione shouted,

"That's good." I smirked.


"So, sir. What do you want to talk to us about?" Tyler asked Albus as we all sat in a circle of chairs including Harry, Mione, Ron and I.

"Well seeing as this escalated so quickly my plans have had to escalate too. We have plans for the future and what is going to happen, but unfortunately Nyx you cannot be safe here, I have talked to some headmasters and headmistresses and we have come to an agreement, we will take turns to teach you. You cannot be here when things have been set in motion, and unfortunately they're too dangerous for you. Tyler has previously agreed to doing this at a later date, but we have to do this now. I'm sorry my dear."

"Honestly you think I'm going to go to another school, without a warning just as I've made friends?! You didn't think that would be hard, Albus Dumbledore I know you mean well but it's hard. I want to stay and be normal and have friends here and do what I could've done... well if I was normal!" I told Albus frustrated,

"Nyx," Ron piped up,

"Ron?" I asked tearily,

"In the word of Nike, 'Just Do It!'" Ron smiled encouragingly,

"Thanks Ron." I smiled as I got up and hugged him tightly,

"I agree, we may not've known you for long, but you need to be safe." Harry smirked,

"Anyway you can always write." Hermione smiled,

"Agreed! Now come here you!" I cried sadly....

An hour later...

"So sir where and when am I going?" I asked after Tyler, Harry, Hermione and Ron left.

"Well you'll be going in two days, you will also be going to Beauxbatons for a couple of years in France, and then staying at Durmstrang for the other couple of years and then choose maybe... Tyler has agreed to let you stay holidays at Mr and Mrs Weasley and Mr and Mrs Grangers." Albus smiled kindly,

"Did you get me the uniforms?" I asked,

"Yes I did." Albus smirked as he handed me a lovely blue silk thin hat, a blue chiffon dress and heels there also was a thin navy fitted blouse coat thing with the Beauxbatons' name and logo.

"It's an amazing uniform." I smiled impressed as I neatly folded it and put it in magically undetectable extended bag which was more like a little purse bag.

"Durmstrang has only boys, but they made an exception, they have consulted the Beauxbatons' tailors and they have made you a uniform which shall withstand the cold of Bulgaria. So here it is." Albus told me handing me, a long billowing thick layered black cloak, with a hood, a knee length crimson long sleeved fitted dress with a corset over the top, there also included some nice brown boots with great grip and support, lastly the uniform included some tights and a dozen shoulder length white some normal and some fingerless gloves. Apparently all of my uniform for Bulgaria had a controllable warming charm imbedded into it.

"Thank you so much Albus, you're the father I never had." I smiled as I hugged him,

Eventually walking back to my dorm.

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