I. Order Re-assembled

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The doors to number twelve grimmauld place opened. It had been over twenty four years since it was last used as shelter by Harry Potter while hunting horcruxes.

Half of the original order already dead, the rest met again, for there was a danger looming.

The lives of every witch and wizard at risk once again and the second generation of the Order of the Phoenix planned to save them.


The Weasleys were the first to arrive. Molly and Arthur were some of the only surviving members of the original order formed in the 1970's.

They were then followed by Bill and his wife Fleur. Next was Charlie then George with Angelina and then Percy and Penelope.

The Potters came next and brought Teddy Lupin with.

Then came Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom.

These were then slowly followed by other members such as Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucern Jones, Rubeus Hagrid, Harriet Diggle, etc.

Once everyone had gathered inside the dining room and the doors had been concealed, the meeting began.

Harry Potter headed the meeting. He was of short-stature so he stood on one of the chairs as to be able to foresee the whole room.

"As you all know, the lives of us witches and wizards of Britain are at risk again. Darkness prevails over us once more, and we have to fight. Now some of you have been here before but to those who are new who'd been informed of the meeting earlier today. Welcome to the Order of The Phoenix, this society had been formed first by Albus Dumbledore to fight .." he stuttered and cleared his throat before continuing "Voldemort. Before we head deeper into the meeting I'd like to have a minute of silence for the fallen Hogwarts professors Repton Henderson and..." A tear fell from his left eye as the memories of his days at Hogwarts and the image of his favorite professor flashed In his mind. " And Ms. Minerva Mcgonagall"

The room stood up and bowed their heads.

After a minute, Harry said, "Please be seated, now before we begin do any of you have any questions?"

Luna Longbottom raised her hand from the back of the room.

"Yes, Luna?"

"I was just wondering, we aren't going to start this meeting without Ron and Hermione are we?"

There were hushed whispers amongst everyone.

Harry stood still. He had been asking himself the same question ever since he arrived here and didn't see them present.

How could he have a meeting of the order without the bravest and intelligent wizard and witch of the second generation and most importantly, his two best friends.

"Luna, don't" Neville whispered to her and motioned for her to sit back down.

She refused but eventually sank back to her seat, she understood Harry's silence and realized she probably shouldn't have asked the question.

Kingsley stood up from his seat looked at Luna and said "Because they cannot be trusted"

"Kingsley!" Harry, Ginny, Molly, and George yelled in unison.

"As much as I hate to say it you know it's true, that's exactly why they aren't present here."

Harry replied to defend his friend.

"Ron and Hermione would never, they would never do ill to wizarding kind"

"Are you sure about that? Okay then tell me, tell me Harry why aren't they present here?"

Before Harry could get an answer out of his mouth Molly spoke "Because, they're scared, they're scared of people, everywhere they go they get defamed with accusations put on them by people like you. They've faced everything, Hermione having to give up her post as Minister and Ronald's store being burnt down by angry mobs of parents. No one understands that it's not their fault, goddammit! They had no idea. And if they want they're more than welcome to join and if you have a problem you're more than welcome to leave, Shacklebolt."

"Calm down Mum, calm down." Percy got hold of Molly's shoulders and sat her down, she was too old to be raging like this, it wasn't good for her health.

Kingsley wasn't finished though.

"People change Molly, Ron and Hermione are no different. They would never join the order and you know it. You're a parent too you know better than anyone a person can never see their child wrong or in pain, they'll never see the evil in Rose Weasley. They've probably been manipulated and joined her army already. The Weasley-Graingers cannot be trusted."
I hope you liked this chapter, I'm just starting it out.
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