III. Nightmare? Day dream?

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I shrieked as I saw a light bolt hit the redheaded girl and me.

I blacked out and woke up again, in the safety of my bed at home, trembling with fear.

Another one of those nightmares.

The bullshit nightmares keeping me up every night for a month now.

I looked over at the clock across the room and saw it was quarter to four in the morning. I could go back to sleep. I tucked myself in and turned to sleep face-down.


That's her name. I finally know the name of the pretty red-head I see in many nightmares. I'd gotten this very nightmare for three nights now. The one of her and me getting struck by a light this was the first time I screamed her name.

I noticed a pattern in these nightmares. I'd see the same nightmare multiple times, but every time I'd see it again it'd get more vivid. It was as if I was remembering something of the past. But that seemed far-fetched, I don't think dragons, flying horses, giants or girls as pretty as Rose exist, and if I did meet one of them I think I'd remember.


"Is something bothering you Callum?" Dad asked me as we were sat on the Breakfast table, me having my oats and dad his sausages.


"Then quit shaking your legs and playing with your food and eat!"

"Sorry dad" I replied shaking my head.

"Something is bothering you though isn't it Callum? Tell me." Mum said keeping her tea down on the table.

"Not exactly"

"I'm your mother Callum. I know when something is bothering you, tell me what it is. Wait, don't tell me, oh lord! Did you get those nightmares again?"

"Ding-Ding-Ding, they're not so bad though, I think I might be getting used to it."

"Then why do you look so shook?"

"So, you know the pretty red-head girl I told you about"


"Well apparently, her name's Rose"

"What crap?" My dad spoke up.

"Language! Auggy"

"It's Augustus."

"Whatever Auggy"

"Get back to me mum?"

"Oh, sorry honey, but how can she have a name she's just a fragment of your imagination. When'd your dreams get so descriptive?" She said with a bit of chuckle.

"It's like the nightmares are memories that are getting clearer, but they can't be-"

"Okay that's it I'm taking you to Harriet tomorrow, she can help you"


"Okay, Callum shut up!"
"Why though?"

"Because you're annoying me"

"Shut it."

Clyde was being an arse, I just wanted to talk about how bloody perfect Rose was but no, of course, his chemistry lab final deserved more attention.

The bell rang to signify the end of lunch. It was time for Clyde's final.

"Well, good luck on the final"

"Shut up."

He headed off to the lab and I went to English.

All I could think about for the one hour of English was Rose. I couldn't be bothered by Ms Baron going on and on about Emily Dickinson's poetry and how much she could relate to it.

It irritated me that she wasn't real. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and hate reality but then again it wasn't.

I die in the dreams, I don't think I want that.

But I get to be with Rose, ugh. Death seems worth it.



Sorry for the late update and for the fact that this chapter was too short.

Comment any suggestions and if you liked this chapter. I hope you're liking my story so far.

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