II. Alone

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Earlier that day,


He was home alone.

He roamed the long halls of the huge manor, headed to the shower.

He began to undress and stepped into the shower. He stood under it and turned the nozzle completely towards the warm end. He needed warmth in this coldness of his life.

He let the water slowly fall on him and didn't move, the water was warm enough to be painful, but he didn't mind, the pain felt good.

He let out a sigh as the warm water traveled down his spine and then grazed the back of his legs.

Before he knew it his tears had joined the water traveling down his face. He was crying now. The tears turned to powerful sobbing and he yelped and the voice echoed off the walls of the lonely manor and returned to him.

"Why me?"

He could've stayed in the warmth of the shower crying where no one could see him forever but he had to get out.

He dried himself and quickly got dressed in a sweater and pants and wore a long coat over it.

Once he was dressed he looked into the mirror, he was going to cry again but then reminded himself of who he was, he told himself

"If father saw you like this he'd be so disgusted he'd spit on you"

He couldn't cry, couldn't be weak, he was Draco Malfoy.


He walked the five miles to the church graveyard.

He stopped a few steps from the entrance, he was scared.

He stood there contemplating whether he should just turn back or if he could be strong enough to face it. This was the first time he'd be seeing it after the funeral.

There was silence in the yard interrupted only by the crowing of crows.

Draco took small careful steps once inside the yard searching for it, and then he could see it the two headstones reading:

Scorpius Malfoy 2006-2023 and Astoria Malfoy 1982-2023

This year took away the two things dearest to him, his love and his child. Most importantly it took away his will to live.

He kneeled down to Astoria's headstone and removed his glasses and placed a white rose. Astoria's favorite only because red roses and violets were too basic and bright to her, she preferred this because to her it resembled solitude and simplicity.

He then moved over to Scorpius' and stared at his name as he placed a picture of the three. Taken when Scorpius had gone to Hogwarts for the very first time.

 Taken when Scorpius had gone to Hogwarts for the very first time

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His blood boiled thinking of Rose.

"Why? More importantly, How? Could Scorpius love her, why was he in love with the bitch that took my son and wife away from me?" he thought to himself.

Rose may have never met Astoria but to him, she was the reason behind her death. She killed Scorpius and because of Scorpius' death Astoria got driven into insanity, went into shock and lost her life.

Scorpius meant everything to him and Astoria. They lived a lonely life because of their reputation as children of former death eaters and more so the adoptive parents of......Voldemort's child.

Scorpius was their child and they loved him.

"He is not the child of the git Voldemort that our parents worshipped. He is our child, he was my child"

He stood up and wiped a tear from his cheek. He found himself crying again.

Draco stood there looking at the stones as he reminisced the memories the three shared in their own little world they had made at the Malfoy Manor.

He thought about how much Astoria cried every time they returned from King's cross having dropped Scorpius off for the year and he thought about the joy Astoria got every time he returned home for Christmas and the summer.

He was to never again see the smiles of Scorpius and Astoria. They were gone, gone far-far away.


He heard footsteps behind him, they were getting closer and then the owner of the footsteps spoke "Malfoy?"

He didn't have to turn around to know who it was, it had been twenty- five years but he remembered the voice like he heard it every day. He replied

"Yes, Potter?"

"Can we talk I've been looking for you for quite a while. I thought I might catch you here"

"It's not the best time for me right now," he said, still crying but trying to stop. The last thing he'd want is to Harry Potter to see him in tears.

"I know that I just wanted to, Umm.... I really do not know how to put this well we're basically preparing an army to fight against, Rose"

The name sparked anger in him. Rage spread through his body. He was capable of punching a hole in Harry's face right now. But he calmed himself down and turned to face Harry.

"Rose? Isn't she in Azkaban?"

"Well, she's escaped."

The rage returned, the bitch who took away his son was roaming free. He grunted

"Well, What makes you think I want to fight in your army?"

"The fact that you hate Rose. The fact that you want justice for your son and the fact that you closed your fist and clenched your teeth at the mere mention of her name. Look Draco, you're a good wizard we could really use you. We're meeting tonight at--"

He passed Draco a slip of paper with the address and an incantation to access the apartment.

Draco looked at Harry, he felt as if he'd break down right there in front of him, but the fear of his father watching him got to him. He knew his father was gone but the fear of being the perfect Malfoy heir to his father wasn't.

"I'll think about it"

"Please do."

With that Harry left the yard and Draco sat on a bench across the graves with the paper slip in hand, considering it.


That's the second part done, I hope you liked it comment suggestions if any or let me know if you're enjoying my story.
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