XII. New People

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I had potions with Ravenclaw first thing this morning. Professor Slughorn's already got his eyes on Albus and I, bet it won't take much effort to make it into his 'club'. Mum said he was asking about us when she met him at the ministry a few months before the term began.

Albus really isn't quite bright at potions though, so I don't think he will be joining me at the numerous dinners and parties Slughorn has that mum has told me all about. 

We learned the cure for boils potion today, quite easy to brew. I finished mine first in class and spent the rest of the hour watching Albus and Scorpius struggle to get the Flobberworm mucus. It was hilarious and disgusting. I wanted to tell them there was some mucus in a vile on the shelf but I enjoyed watching them try to get it out of the Flobberworm.

I had double defense against the dark arts with Hufflepuff next. The way mum and dad had put it I'd thought it was going to go really well but things just never turn out as I hope. From the moment I walked in I could feel the disgust for me in the eyes of Mr Repton or maybe it was something else, but there was something in the way he eyed me that made me uncomfortable.

He started the lesson teaching us about the basic threats one wizard could face. He told us about basic creatures like werewolves, banshees, grindylows, dementors, etc.

He mainly stuck to theory the first hour of the lesson and at the end of the first hour he taught us a basic disarming spell 'expelliarmus'.  He then made us get in pairs and practice it on each other. Within twenty minutes there were wands flying all around the room and I was still struggling to disarm Albus once while he'd disarmed me six times. 

Al and Scorpius laughed their butts off while I just kept trying. "Potions may be your thing not so good at spells though are you Weasley?", Scorpius said.

"Shutup, Malfoy", I replied.

The class was about to come to an end and I still hadn't disarmed him yet. Everyone began to gather their books and begin to leave and I gave up too and headed towards my bag when Professor Repton walked up to me.

"Gryffindor? seem more like a Hufflepuff" I didn't know whether I should be complimented or insulted.

"Get up Weasley." He said in an angry tone.

"Disarm me"

"I can't"


I tried around fifteen times wasting about a quarter of my break. It was then when he gave up and dismissed me. "Practice tonight, I'm holding you back after class again tomorrow."

Herbology and Charms class went quite boring after that. I still feel awful, today was probably the worst first day I  could have. Maybe defence against the dark arts just isn't my thing. I find that hard to believe though everyone's always told me I was born to duel, to become an Auror. 

I hope tomorrow's better.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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