Method 2

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Sorry I haven't posted anything for so long! It has been like two months! Sosososososososososososososo sorry! But now I'm going to try to hopefully get it going again.

Okay so I did the 80's flowers, as I call it, and I got to give it a rate of maybe 6/10. It wasn't super hard and the results weren't bad, but it took a long time to recommend doing a trial run of this first, to see how it works on your hair. I've found that thicker hair works better, but you do have to keep in mind that results may vary.

How to:

You'll need

Hair net (optional)

Lots of bobby pins

Any hair products you desire ( I used a beach spray, a de-frizz spray, and of course hair spray)

1. Make sure your hair is wet or damp.

2. Apply the de-frizz product and COMB(not brush) it through your hair.

3. Pick up an inch section of hair. Make sure there are no knots.

4. Hold your sections root to your scalp, wrap the section into an over lapping circle on your scalp. Take two bobby pins and secure it into place.

5. Repeat steps 2&3 until no hair is left. Put hair net over top and sleep.

6. Before taking it out blow dry them for a little on low.( optional)

7. Slowly take each curl out after they have cooled.

8. After they are out spray in the texture or beach spray. Then shake your curls out, and hairspray,

Leave a comment telling me how this worked out for you if you tried it.

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