chapter 7: the after part 3

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Clarke's POV

The ground. I'm on the ground. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still alive and not alone. I have Madi and I need to protect her.

"Why are you just staring at the fire? You haven't said anything all night," Madi said sitting next to me.

"I'm just tired," I sighed.

"I know I'm just a kid, but I'm pretty smart. And I think you're missing your friends."

"I think I am too," I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"You're just using this as an excuse so you can stay up late. Go to bed, Madi. We have early training tomorrow," I laughed.

"Fine," she whined before she hugged me.

Madi walked into our solar power vehicle and fell asleep almost right away. I thought back to the time when I first found Madi. Alone and scared with no one to help her find her way. She's really an amazing kid, and she'll probably be a better leader than I ever was.

I sighed again and then picked up the radio and mustered up all of the courage I had in me to start talking again.

"It's Clarke. I almost lost hope today, but then I remembered I have to be strong for Madi. Bellamy, Raven, everyone, anyone, if you're listening, it's okay to come down, or up, now. I've done a little gardening and it looks nice if I do say so myself. But anyways, I see Bellamy everywhere now like he's really with me, then he just vanishes. I'm almost getting used to it. If you're listening, Bellamy, I never should have walked away from you and you shouldn't have let me walk away. I-I love you. I know you're thinking, 'oh but just as a friend.' I don't love you just as a friend. I love you to the point where you're all I think about when I fall asleep and when I wake up. I love you with every single inch of my heart. I need you to know that. You promised me I would be your 'co-pilot' and we would both go into space together, and yet, somehow we've been separated. I need you to find your way back down to Earth, back down to me."

I released the button and just kept sitting by the fire. It felt so good to say my feelings about Bellamy and to get that off my chest..again..for the 876th time. I looked to my left, and there was Bellamy, sitting next to me. I smiled and I closed my eyes and kept my breathing steady.

"Don't worry, Princess. Have hope."

I opened my eyes and he was gone, just like every time. But Bellamy was right,

Hope. Hope is all I have to hold onto to. And for Bellamy, I can hold on.

Bellamy's POV

I was woken up by someone shaking and flicking me.

"Bellamy..Bellamy! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes and there was Murphy, shaking me awake.

"What do you want?" I groaned rolling over onto my side.

"You know you're a heavy sleeper, right? Like at one point, I slapped you. Sorry about that, not really though. Anyways, Raven..she got the radio room working."

"Why didn't you lead with that!"

I jumped from my bed and pushed Murphy out of the way.

"Good morning to you to, Bellamy!" He shouted from down the hall.

But I didn't care. The radio was working. I ran as fast as could. I was sliding around and almost ran into the walls several times because I had forgotten to put my shoes on, but it was okay because the radio was working. When I reached the control room, I saw Raven and Monty typing code. I rushed up to them.

"Radio?" was the only word I could say since I was out of breath.

"Well, half of it. We can hear some transmissions, but I don't think we can make contact yet," Raven replied.

"What do you mean? Did you find Clarke's signal?" I asked.

"Well, right now, there are two signals, but we only have the power to pick up one. I wanted to wait until you got here so you could choose."

"You want me to choose without knowing if it's Clarke? You think I would want that pressure and disappointment?" I was starting to get angry. I started pacing, then logically and calmly, knocked over one of the tables.

"Bellamy, just choose one," Raven said.

"No." I kicked the knocked over table.

"Bellamy, choose one," Monty said.

"No." I kicked it again.

"Fine, I'll choose it then," Murphy chimed in.

"No! I'll choose."

"I knew that would get to him," Murphy whispered in Raven's ear as they both laughed.

"That one," I said nervously as I pointed to a code on the screen.

"Okay, here we go," Raven said as she clicked the code.

We were all tense. There was static for about a minute and Raven and Monty were trying to clear it up. My heart was racing, my palms were sweating, my legs were weak. What if it's not Clarke? What if it's just a random signal? All these terrifying thoughts were rushing in my mind, but then we heard a faint voice.

"Let me try to focus in on the signal.." Monty said.

Then I heard it. I heard..her.

".... 'co-pilot' and we would both go into space together. I need you to find your way back down to Earth, back down to me."

All eyes were turned towards me, waiting for any kind of extreme reaction from me and all I could manage was smile a goofy smile, shake my head, and say,



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