chapter 10: the after part 6

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Bellamy's POV

"So we can send signals, but no one can be on the channel at the same time? Am I saying this correctly?" I asked Monty.

"Correct. But soon, we'll find a way to generate more power and that means a stronger connection. And a stronger connection means you can talk to your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," I said defensively.

"Whatever you say, dude," he laughed as he went back to typing codes I didn't understand.

"I really think you guys would make a cute couple–"

"Just fix the radio," I said as I got up to leave.

"What's the magic word?"

"Fix the radio," I replied walking out.

As I was just about to turn the corner, Murphy came running out of no where.

"Bellamy! Grab Monty!"

"What, why?"

"Just grab him, we gotta get out of here!" Murphy exclaimed.

I rushed back into the control room and found Monty still typing.

"Monty, let's move!" I said as I grabbed his arm and started following Murphy.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"We're going to Earth two years early, surprise," he said as we kept running.

"Wait, what? But how? We don't even have a way of getting down there–"

"Bellamy, stop asking stupid questions. It's Raven, she can literally do anything," he explained.

We reached the ship and I noticed everyone already putting on their suits and helmets. Raven walked towards me and handed me one. Everything and everyone started to move in slow motion. Was this really happening?

"I don't-I don't understand," I said as I started zipping up my suit.

"This idiot over here," she said pointing to Murphy, "accidentally burnt our greenhouse on fire so we are basically breathing on borrowed oxygen to put it in simple terms for you. Now hurry up, we're going to go see your girlfriend," she smiled.

"Why does everyone keep saying that," I mumbled under my breath.

We all started getting into the ship as Raven was finishing up some last minute touches. I didn't understand any of it.

"So you really burnt down the greenhouse?" I asked Murphy.

"You're welcome," he whispered.

"You're insane," I laughed

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"You're insane," I laughed.

"Did you really do it for me?" I asked trying to have a sincere moment.

"Yes, you're my best friend," he replied smiling.


"No. I was just tired of you punching walls, talking to the window, crying, kicking tables, and telling me your sad stories every day. Plus, it's boring up here," he replied.

"You're my best friend, too, Murphy," I said as I nudged his shoulder.

"Really? Did you not hear what I just said? Because I just said you're not my best friend–"

"Sh, it's okay. Best friends don't have to explain their thoughts. I know what you really think," I said.

"Good, then you know that I really think I don't like you–"

"You're a great friend," I laughed.

"Are you-are you not hearing anything I'm saying, like, at all?" He asked.

"Oh, Bellamy, before I forget, I also managed to fix this old, solar powered radio. Happy birthday," Raven said sneaking her way into our conversation.

"It's not my birthday," I told her.

"Do any of us really know when our birthdays are, though?" She laughed then said, "Now, who's ready to go back home?"

I smiled.


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