chapter 12: the after part 8

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Clarke's POV

"Clarke! Hurry! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes, hoping I wouldn't see Bellamy. It was only Madi.

"What's wrong?" I asked her sitting up. I began to rub the back of my neck and winced from the pain in my lower back.

"Turn around! Turn around!" She exclaimed.

I slowly did what she told me to do and then I saw it: a line of smoke that led to a giant fire that was on the ground. The distance had to be at least two hundred miles.

"That's them! I know it is, Clarke!" Madi said.

"If that's them, then they're all dead, Madi," I said.

"What? No! They could've—"

"They could've what? Predicted a crash landing and jumped from a space ship that was going a thousand miles per hour? Look at the size of that fire," I explained.

"Try to radio them."

"No, there's no point," I said picking myself up from the ground.

"'ve called him everyday," she said looking at me disappointed.

"And everyday it was always a one way call. I can't put myself through this anymore. It's not fair to me. Now come on, we should head back," I said.

"No, we should go to where the smoke is!" Madi exclaimed.

"I said no."

"And I said no!" Madi screamed.

"We're going back home."

"Home is where your happiness is, and you know it's not back there all alone! You left your happiness with Bellamy and we have to go get it back," she said.

"You don't even know that's them—"

"Who else was in space?" She smirked.

"You might be right."

"Might be? You know I'm right. Now please, we have to go see if they're alive. You'll always regret it if you don't find out."

"Fine. We'll head north towards the smoke. But it's coming from a completely different mountain, probably from the opposite side of it with our luck. We'll have to go pack a little more supplies than a tent and a blanket," I laughed.

"So we're going?" She asked hopefully.

"You're coming?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah. We are."

————5 hours later————

"You have everything packed? Food? Water? Blankets?" I asked Madi.

"Everything is packed in the rover. Now can we please go!" Madi exclaimed as she hopped into the back.

"This is going to be along drive, so I hope you're going to talk to me and not sleep—"

It was too late, she was already asleep.

"I won't fall asleep on you," Bellamy said smiling.

"Thanks," I replied.

This version of Bellamy I was seeing was different. He was much more relaxed, clean, happy.

"You should really try the radio, Clarke," he said.

"Maybe when we stop to recharge the rover," I replied.

"How are you going to charge it? There's no power."

"It's solar powered, Bellamy," I laughed.

"I knew that," he said.

"Of course you did," I paused then said, "if that was really you, I don't think I'm ready. That was a large fire. If you're dead, I don't think I could—"

Bellamy put his hand on my and began to rub circles trying to calm me down.

"I can't be dead. Not before I get to see you again," he smiled again.

"I don't want you to go this time," I admitted.

"Then I'll stay right here next to you."


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