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dante knew she made a mistake when she ran off after harry had kissed her. the truth was, she liked it— actually, forget that. she loved it. and the fact that she did scared her. it wasn't fair on harry when she just ran away and she felt ever so guilty for doing so, but she just needed to clear her head a bit.

      she knew that she liked harry, he had become a great friend of hers in the short space of time since they met. did she like harry as more than her friend? she knew the answer to that question the moment after he kissed her, hell yes she did. she liked him a lot, so much it scared her. they had only met a few weeks ago, how could she possibly fall in lov— no scrap that what was she thinking. love? no it was too quick to fall in love with harry. or was it?

      dante had heard of love at first sight and thought that was a loads of utter bullshit. how could you be in love with someone based on their looks alone. that's not saying that harry looked ugly or anything, he was handcrafted by the fucking sexy gods and sent to earth to make girls like dante drool from their mouths while staring at him; not that dante drooled while looking at harry or anything, she didn't i swear.

      did she love him? god, she didn't know. it was hard not to like him, he was smart and so immensely funny. and not the stupid kind of funny where someone kept telling cheesy dad jokes, no. the genuine kind of funny where he could make dante keel over in a fit of laughter by just saying one word. and let's not even mention his razor sharp jawline, god that was fucking brilliant.

      he had so many loveable qualities that dante couldn't resist liking a lot and maybe, possibly loving them. and him. she loved him. two days, eleven hours and however many minutes after their kiss, dante knew she was totally, deeply, irreversibly in fucking love with harry styles. her thoughts of him kept her awake until all hours each night after he gently pressed his beautifully carved lips against her chapped, strange looking ones.

      dante had been laying in her bed for the past two days. she only got up when her parents were home from work and they forced her to eat dinner with her, or when she had to use the loo. she hadn't even showered in two days and she looked, and smelled, like a dead person. darkness had creeped underneath her eyes, she to the lack of sleep she'd gotten, even though she'd been in bed the whole time.
      her eyes didn't look the bright, full of life ultramarine colour they usually were, they'd dulled as if someone had added some payne's grey to their palette and painted it over her irises. he skin was pale and had broken out in a colony of acne on her chin. dante had suffered from the burden that was acne since her boobs grew to a c cup and her hips became way fucking wider.

      she had tiny crimson scars on her face due to her bloody acne and she hated them. she knew that she should love every part of herself and blah blah blah. but she couldn't. quite frankly, she hated herself; she hated her body and personality. she was short, 5' to be exact. all of her friends were taller than her and it made her feel uncomfortable with the way she was built.

      she also had quite full thighs and back side, which were a burden when it came to buying skinny jeans. when she was fifteen, she gave up on the whole jeans being skinny scene and wore mom jeans ever since. her thighs, just like her wrists, held scars from a bad point in her life; her seventeenth year of being on this horrible earth to be exact.

      in her senior year of school, she was bullied for being different than everyone else in her school. the 'popular girls' of her school picked on dante for being gay. people knew her and alex were an item and just because people aren't nice, they gave them shit because of their relationship was different from others in the school. as far as dante knew, there was no other openly bisexual girls in her school, and for that her life was made hell. alex's not so much because she was friends with the tormentors.

      but alex helped her through the year as best as she could, which wasn't all that good. but anyways its all stopped now that she's finished high school, so there's no point in reminiscing.

      after going through all her thoughts, dante got out of bed, into the shower, got dressed and put on some makeup. she then went down stairs to find her house empty. not a big surprise, but she would have liked her parents to see she recovered from her days of self pity. she made an omelette for herself and sat down.

      from the dining table, she could see the clock in the kitchen. it read twelve a.m. harry would be in the library right now, that is if he kept up going to it every day. she needed to see him so bad. "fuck it." she said out loud to nobody in particular. she grabbed her phone, some money and car keys.

      she was gone out of the house like lightning and made it to the library in ten minutes. she seen harry's car parked out side and suddenly a burst of nervousness washed over her like a wave crashing into the shore. he was in there. she was going to see him in the next two minutes. oh holy shit.

      dante opened the door into he library and smiled at the librarian sitting at her desk inside the door. she proceeded to walk to the cosy corner where her and harry had previously been. her nerves increased when she seen his head bent over a book. his face looked tired and pale just like hers did under her makeup. although he was looking like this, he still managed to look breathtakingly amazing. he was wearing a purple sweater and black skinny jeans. fuck, he looked so handsome.

      she walked over to him and he looked up, with shock on his face. "dante." he whispered, his voice breaking on the second syllable.

      "harry, im so, incredibly sorry," she sighed and sat down beside him. "i shouldn't have ran away from you. i know it's no excuse but, i was just scared and i—"

      "scared of me?" he interrupted, sounding hurt.

      "no, scared of how much i like you harry, scared that my feeling for you were too strong for the amount of time i've known you." she looked down at her hands waiting for to reply.

      "you... you have feelings for me?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

      "yes i do," she made eye contact with him and decided it was now or never to ask an important question, "do you? do you have feelings for me too."

     "fuck yeah. of course i do, dante." he smiled and continued speaking. "you are the most amazing person i've ever met. you're beautiful and smart and you're just so... perfect."

    dante leaned over to him and put her small hand on his stubbly cheek. she pressed his lips to his ever so carefully and she could feel him smile into their kiss. he kissed her back and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her body.

      suddenly, they broke apart as somebody cleared their throat beside them. it was the librarian, shit. "get out, the pair of you." she angrily whispered and they did as she said.

      "ill text you later." dante said to harry, pressing her lips to his as a see you later kind of kiss.

      "yeah, love," he smiled. "see you soon?"

      "of course, harry." she said getting into her car and drove off.

       harry got into his car too and he couldn't stop smiling. the girl he loved had feelings for him too. god, this was one of the best days of his pathetic life.


the picture is dante btw. when im writing that is how i imagine her, i you imagine her to look different that's fine continue to do so idm. also dante is not in any way affiliated with barbara ferreira ( the beauty in the pic ) okay? okay

kind of long update yay! also we get to know a bit more about dante which is cool. vote/comment/follow and all that.

did you know i freakin love all of you guys thank you so much for all your support and shit. i cant thank you enough.

hope you are all having a great day/or had one idek.

b xx (i just realised y'all don't even know my name lol but if you care you can ask me idk whatever ok bye)

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