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the next day, the two organised to meet at a café. harry decided to ask her to go out with him. he didn't really do the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing, as he didn't really like labels, but dante was different. he wanted her to be his and only his. when he arrived at the café, he seen dante standing in front of it. once she'd seen he arrived, the corners of her mouth rose a bit and walked over to where harry stood after getting out of his car. she didn't look too happy, but she was dressed in the most lovely denim skirt and oversized jumper.

      "hey, love." he said to the beautifully dressed girl and pressed his lips to her red ones. he kissed her innocently, sweetly at first. they separated for a second and harry looked into her eyes, seeing if there was consent for another kiss. she leaned into him and kissed him softly and slowly. he placed his hand on her cheek ever so carefully. their breaths mingled as they broke apart, resting their foreheads against each other.  

      "hey." dante echoed him quietly and they walked inside the cafe. they sat down in a booth and looked at the menu. "how are you doing?" she asked him.

      "i'm good, great now that i'm with you." he smiled at her and asked her how she was.

      "i'm fine." she said and looked down at her menu. was she fine? it didn't look like it. he asked her again. "i'm okay, really. i just didn't have a good night after i left you." she replied.

      "what happened?" harry asked her and she sighed.

      "uh... alex messaged me and well, it just wasn't a very nice text let's just say."

      "what did it say?" he asked and dante looked away from him. "you don't have to tell me, dante, but it might help if you do."

      "she uh—" dante broke off and a tear slipped down her makeup covered cheek. she had the most beautiful makeup on today, dark eyeshadow and rosy red cheeks and lips. harry reached over to her and wiped it away as she took out her phone. "here, read it for yourself." she said as she handed it to harry.

      her phone screen showed there were at least five or six messages from alex. "i'm glad we're over, dante. i never really loved you, you know" the first one said. "i was only with you so you wouldn't kill yourself" the next said. "no one will ever love you." another said. harry was shocked to say the least at these messages. he thought alex had loved her, he thought dante was happy, he didn't know she was suicidal. one thing he was sure of though was that he needed to be there for her.
      "i'm so sorry, dante." harry took one of her hands into his and interlocked their fingers. the sleeve of her jumper slid up to her elbow and her wrist was exposed. fresh, horizontal cuts covered it. "oh my..."

      dante quickly pulled away from harry and pushed the sleeve back down. "can we please change the subject." she said as she wiped her tear stained cheeks.

      "sure, yeah." he said, sucking in a deep breath and when he exhaled, "actually, there's been something i've been meaning to ask you."

      "okay, go ahead."

      "will you—" he hesitated and started again, "would you like to... go out with me?" he asked. and she laughed.

       "yes, harry." she leaned over and brushed his lips to his.

      harry and dante spent quite awhile chatting to each other. harry loved hearing dante's voice. it was quite deep compared to other girls, but it was so velvety smooth. it was addicting for harry to listen to her speak, although that wasn't that often. dante didn't speak that much, but when she did, harry felt like the luckiest person in the world to hear her intelligent words. every word she spoke had passion and meaning into it and he thought that was beautiful.

      some time during their conversation, dante invited harry over to her house to have dinner with her and the dreaded parents tomo. "its very early on for us, i know, but this is quite a rare occasion that my parents are both home at the same time," she said. "i told them that id met someone and they're as excited as they possibly can be, which isn't very excited. but don't take it personally, they're weird people who don't like to show emotions. its a thing they do when they're in hospital, they try not to get to involved in patients in case they die or something."

      harry let out a small laugh, "i'd love to come, what time should i be there?"

      "about seven, i think. but if you want them to like you, don't be late." she laughed and her phone dinged. "oh, it's my mom, i have to go, sorry honey." she leaned over to him and kissed him passionately. "i'll text you my address."

      "goodbye, love." he said to her as she left the café. god he loved her so much and he had to tell her soon or else he felt like he would burst.


picture is dante's outfit but not dante ok!!
very short bad chapter im sorry but it's about to get juicy.

so i had planned this story out and this chapter was already written differently but then i was like ok i have a great idea and now this story shall have a different maybe better ending hopefully if i ever write more?

anywayssss vote/comment/follow and please leave feedback of what i can improve on please please pleaseeee

b xxx

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