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"momma, you better not say anything embarrassing." dante warned and looked at her parents. "dad that includes you too, no racist jokes or anything like that, okay?" he nodded, smiling.

      harry was due to arrive any minute. her dad had cooked gnocchi and her momma made gelato for dessert. dante set the table in the dining room and put on some music to set her nerves at ease. god, what if her parents don't like harry? no— what if harry didn't like her parents? she didn't really care what her parents thought of harry, they were not one bit supportive of her and alex's relationship, so why should she be worried about pleasing them with harry?

      what if harry was secretly a serial killer and she didn't know? i mean, she barely knew him, they had only met a couple weeks or so ago. jesus, she had to stop thinking like this, harry wasn't a serial killer, he would love her parents and they would love him just as much as she— dante was broken out of her thoughts as there was a knock on the front door.

      "shit!" she squeaked and ran towards the door before either of her parents could get there. she heard her momma say something to her dad about how she needed to stop using such language... whatever. she opened the door and there stood the god himself— fucking harry styles. jesus christ he was really carved by the angels wasn't he? he wore a simple white button down shirt and black dress pants and let me tell you, he looked fine as hell.

      "hello, darling." harry stepped towards her and smiled as he pressed his lips to hers. "god, you look fucking amazing, dante." he took a step back and looked at his beautiful girl. she blushed and stepped back into the house.

      "come on in, my parents are in the kitchen." she closed the door as harry went inside and noticed two bunches of flowers in his left hand.

      harry then copped on to what she was looking at. "oh yeah," he said as he held up a bunch of the most beautiful red roses. he leaned into her neck and just below her ear he gently kissed her. he pulled away ever so slightly and whispered, "these are for you."

      "harry, they're so beautiful. thank you so much." she took the bunch of flowers and in her other hand she held his as they walked into the kitchen. "let me guess, you brought my mother flowers to sweeten her up a bit." she said only loud enough for harry to hear.

      "something like that." he replied and she laughed. in the kitchen stood her parents, all dressed up and pristine, as per usual.

      "you must be harry." dante's dad said as he got up from reading his news paper at the dining table. her parents came over to harry and dante and introduced themselves to him.

      "its a pleasure to meet you both, truly." harry said to them, giving them a small smile. jesus, he was so nervous. the last time he met the parents of someone he was going out with didn't go so well let's just say, but that's a story for a different time.  

      "let's go eat, guys." dante said making her way into the dining room and harry followed her unsure of where to sit. dante noticed the confused look on harry's face and put her arm around his waist. "come sit beside me, okay?" and he did. harry hadn't really eaten many italian dishes in his lifetime, sure, he had eaten spaghetti and pizza before, but he didn't have a clue what was on his plate. don't get me wrong, it smelled delicious, but harry could help but quietly ask dante what they were eating as her parents took their seats opposite him and dante.

      dante let out a little laugh, "its gnocchi, honey." she smiled, reached out and held harry's hand. "if you don't like it, we can get you something else." harry nodded and picked up his cutlery. they all started to eat and he couldn't help but let out a slight moan as his taste buds were hit with the most delicious taste he had ever experienced.

      "this food is so amazing, mr and mrs bellini." harry told them and they both smiled at the sweet boy.

      "so harry," dante's mother said, "tell us about yourself."

      harry took a bite of the the delicious meal and then began to speak. "well, i'm twenty and im from england. i go to nyu." he said and took another forkful of food.

      "nyu, that's where you're hoping to go, dante honey, isn't it?" mr bellini said to his daughter and she nodded.

       "i major in english literature and art and im hoping to either work in a publishing house or become an artist maybe, im not too sure yet." harry said and dante smiled at him.

      they all continued eating their food until a phone rang and dante's dad got up from the table. he came back less than a minute later. "honey, im so sorry, but your momma and i have to go into the hospital for surgery." mrs bellini stood up from the table and brought her and her husbands plate into the kitchen.

      "it was lovely meeting you harry." she said to him as she put her coat on, "dante, don't wait up for us, we mightn't be home tonight." dante's parents walked out of the dining room and into the hall. her dad came back into harry and dante. "harry, you can stay the night if you want to, in the spare bedroom, of course." he said and they left the house.

      "oh my god harry, im so sorry about them, jesus they can't even have one important dinner with you and i." dante apologised and ate the last bit of her meal.

      "its fine, don't worry about it, love."


two chapters in one day? holy shit, b you're doing amazing sweetie. anyways swipe the fuck up there is another chapter after this wowwowow go me!!!!!!
ummmm vote comment all that shit and read the next chapter yay

b xxx

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