Chapter 1

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Camila sighed, yet another year of high school she had to get through. On the bright side, she only had two more to get through until she left high school forever. She couldn't wait. She was never one of the popular kids, but after last year's fiasco- let's not go into it, but basically, everyone hated her. And to make things worse, poor little closeted Camila had a crush on- yep, cheerleader Lauren Jauregui. All the guys wanted to date her, all the girls wanted to be her. (Well, some of the guys wanted to be her, and Camila definitely wanted to date her.)

So Camila took a deep breath and threw on some skinny jeans and her lucky black 1975 t-shirt, ready to face another term of people being horrible to her. What fun.

Lauren pulled herself up out of her bed and busied herself applying her make-up, pretending not to see the fact that this wasn't her. Her friends weren't really her friends, she felt terrible when they bullied that girl, Camila something- see even there, she knew Camilas full name, but she had to pretend, even to herself, that she couldn't care less about Camila Cabello.

"LAUREN" her brother yelled from downstairs. "BREAKFAST."

Lauren sighed "I'm coming, Chris." She shouted back.

She walked downstairs, adjusting her skirt and putting her handbag on her shoulder.

She grabbed a piece of toast as she walked out of the door. "I'm going to be late." She said, "I'll see you later."

Camila walked down the hallways, dreading the moment that Laurens posse noticed her. It wasn't long until they did.

"Hey, you." One of the girl said, pointing at Camila. Camila just closed her eyes and walked past.

"Are you ignoring me?" The girl said, walking up to Camila.

"No, no I just, well, I need to get to class." Camila lied, shifting her blue messenger bag on her shoulder. Her first class wasn't for 10 minutes, and it was really close to where she was.

"Oh, well I'm sure you can put this in the bin for me," smiled the girl sweetly, pouring her coffee over Camilas chest. "Thank you!" She laughed, walking back over to her friends who were all laughing.

Camila had to convince herself that it didn't hurt when she saw that Lauren was laughing as well. She blinked back tears, not wanting to give those bitches the satisfaction of seeing that they had won, and walked into the toilet, trying to save her t-shirt from its imminent demise. Not so lucky after all.

Lauren watched Dinah pour her coffee on Camila, trying not to feel anything as Camila's face dropped.

Dinah walked back, laughing.

'It'll look weird if I don't laugh. Anyway, I don't care about Camila.' Lauren thought, lying to herself once again.

She told herself she didn't notice Camila looking at her.

Sitting in class, Camila felt like screaming. She loved music, but the teacher NEVER did anything interesting. And then there was the fact that Lauren was sitting about three feet away from her.

"Okay," Mr. Mendes said "we're going to be doing a project, so when I call out your names, you two will be working together. Dinah and Normani, Ally and Troy, Camila and Lauren, Harry and Liam, Demi and Ariana"

he droned on, but Camila wasn't listening. Camila and Lauren? It couldn't be true. She put her hand up.

"Uh, excuse me sir, did you, uh, did you, who was I with?" She questioned.

"Lauren. Why? Mr. Mendes replied, looking at her funny.

"Oh, uh, no reason, just, just forgot. That's all." Camila replied, smiling nervously. She was not looking forward to having to partner up with someone who bullied her on a daily basis. She looked over to where Lauren was sitting, and put her hand up as a sort of wave. Lauren just ignored her.

'Shit.' Lauren thought. 'Of all the people who I had to but put with, it would be Camila. She probably hates me. I would, if I was her.'

She didn't notice Camila wave at her.

As class ended, she decided she would go and introduce herself to Camila. After all, they were going to be partners for a while, they were going to have to talk.

"Hi." She said. "I'm Lauren."

"Yeah. I know who you are." Camila replied slowly, trying to analyses the situation. Why was Lauren talking to her? Oh. "Don't worry, I've got things sorted out, I can do the project, you don't have to waste your time with me. It's cool."

Lauren felt shocked. Her friends- and her were mean to this girl, yet she was offering to do the entire project. She couldn't let that happen.

"No, no it's fine, I'll do it with you." Lauren insisted. "What were we supposed to do? I was- uh, texting." She said. She couldn't have people knowing she was drawing, and drawing something a teeny bit gay. That would make her seem different, and in high school, different was bad.

"We had to write a song. With, like, instruments. So I guess, if you're gonna do it with me, what do you play?"

"Me? Oh, I play bass." Lauren replied.

"Bass? Really?" Camila laughed.

"Yeah." Lauren said indignantly. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing." Camila replied. "I just didn't have you pegged as a bass player. Do you sing? Can you sing?"

"No, and yes."

"Okay, what's your pitch?"

"I'm alto." Lauren said.

"That'll work, I'm soprano" Camila replied, getting lost in the conversation, forgetting she was talking to THE Lauren Jauregui.

"Are you sure you don't just want me to write it and you play and sing it with me? I'm sure you have better things to do."

"No, I'm doing it with you." Lauren said firmly. "When should I come over?"

"Uh," Camila said, taken aback. "I'm free Friday night?"

"Sorry, no can do. I'm at a party. How about Sunday?"

"I guess that's okay." Camila said.

"Here's my number- but, um, don't, like, text me unless its, like, an emergency, yeah?" Lauren said, scrawling her phone number on Camila's hand.

"Ohkay" Camila replied.

"See you then!" Lauren said, walking over to her friends, leaving Camila awestruck.

"Ew." Normani said to Lauren. "We're you just talking to Camilla?"

"Her name is Camila— uh, I was just telling her that she had to do the project herself. Mr. Mendes thought it was a good idea to pair US together."

"Ew." Normani replied.

"That's what I thought." Lauren lied, feeling terrible.

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