Chapter 3

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Camila fell back on her bed with a smile, replaying the day's events in her head. She was singing a song with Lauren. Lauren liked the Mortal Instruments. Lauren liked her?

Camila sighed. The day had just been confusing, and there's only so many mixed signals a girl can take before she goes mad, and Lauren? Laurenwas the queen of mixed signals, apparently. There were times when Camila felt so comfortable around her, happy and content, and there were times when she remembered WHO she was talking to, and stiffened up immediately, pulling herself back to what she actually had to do.

She sighed to herself, and picked up her copy of the Mortal Instruments. She was in some deep shit.

Lauren groaned. Camila. Camila of all the people. Why couldn't it have been, like, a DUDE?! But no, she was gay, and OF COURSE she had to like Camila- or at least, she was starting to like her.

*ping* 'it'll probably be Normani' Lauren thought, picking her phone up to see Camila's name on the screen. One new message.

Camila |8:15| Hey, this afternoon was cool, but I just want you to know that hanging out with me will probably ruin your reputation.

Me |8:15| Camila, hanging out with you is my choice, no one else's. If it ruins my rep then so be it.

Camila |8:20| This isn't a prank, right?

Me |8:20| No, Camila, I actually want to hang out with you. Is that so hard to believe?

Camila |8:27| Well, yeah. You're Lauren Jauregui , for gods sake. Why would you want to hang out with me?

Me |8:27| Camila

Camila |8:29| What? It's not that hard to believe.

Me |8:30| I like you Camila. You're cool.

Camila |8:31| Ok :) that means a lot. Thanks.


Camila walked into school, feeling happier with herself than usual, and hoping that Laurens crew wouldn't bring her down. And she was happily surprised. As soon as she walked in, her friend Ally walked over to her.

"Hey, Camila" Ally smiled, her newly-blonde hair shoved under a red Snapback.

"Oh, hey Ally" Camila replied. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, do you want to hang out on Thursday?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, sure, that sounds cool." Camila smiled, as Ally turned round and waved to her Boyfriend Troy, who was walking over to them.

"Oh, hey Troy" Camila grinned, "how's you?"

"I'm good, thanks." Troy replied, turning round to give Ally a quick kiss.

Just then, Camila saw Lauren across the room. While contemplating whether to go over to her- and deciding eventually, not to, she caught Lauren's eye. Lauren smiled, and went to walk over, when her friends walked over to her. Her face fell, but she started talking to them. After a few minutes of standing there, watching Lauren, Camila decided she needed to get to class. She was just about to walk away when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

Lauren (9:30) Wait for me. Ill walk with you to class.

Camila looked at her phone for a second, not believing what she saw.

She shot off a quick 'ok' text to Lauren, and turned to Troy and Ally.

"Uh, you guys go on ahead, I'm gonna walk to class with someone."

Ally raised her eyebrows.

"And who would this someone be?" She said, teasing Camila.

"N-no one. I'm just- she asked me and-"

Troy rolled his eyes at her girlfriend's antics.

"Ally, c'mon, we need to get to class, let's leave Camila and her secret lover be, huh?"

Ally smiled, "okay. Bye Camila" she waved.


Camila leant against the wall, waiting for Lauren for a few minutes until she saw her walking towards her.

"Hey Camila." Lauren said shyly. — Lauren, shy? Nah. It couldn't be. Camila thought.

"Hi Lauren." Camila raised her hand in an awkward wave.

"Shall we?" Lauren smiled, walking towards the music block.

Camila sighed. Half an hour into 'history of music' and she couldn't get Lauren out of her head. What was this girl doing to her? Usually she loved music, even the history, but the last week or so, she just couldn't concentrate on anything. And it was Laurens fault. Lauren Lauren Lauren. She was all Camila could think about. Camila sighed and put her head in her hands. This wasn't good.

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