Chapter 6

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"Okay... what?" Ally asked over the phone. "She said it could be a date? But what does that mean?"

"That's why I called you! To figure it out! Like, does she mean a DATE date, or..." Camila trailed off hopelessly.

Ally sighed. "I'm gonna say this- just ask her! The worst she can do is... well..."

"Yeah, absolutely. Completely ruin my social life even more than it already is."

"Camila, last year's thing wasn't your fault. You need to stop beating yourself up about it!"

"Yeah, I guess." Camila said. "Anyway, what do I do about this Lauren thing???"

Ally groaned. "Listen, I really can't talk right now, Troy's coming over and I need to clean my room a bit before."

"Oh, okay I guess I'll talk to you later then?"

"Yeah I'll see you at school on Monday? " Ally asked.

"Yeah, alright, see you then!"

As soon as Ally had hung up, Camila switched to her page of messages with Lauren.

"Okay" she said to herself. "New message. What do I say? It needs to be casual, but now dismissive, and not too formal. Oh my god. How am I ever going to get through this? And then whole "it could be a date" thing. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?"

Camila sighed. " Okay, here we go."

Camila: 11:30am: Hey greens eyes what you upto?

'That's casual, right?' Camila thought to herself, pressing send.

A few seconds later she got a reply.

Lauren: 11:31am: Hey! Nothing really. I'm just watching Orange Is the New Black. Ruby Rose am I right? Do you mind if I call you, I dont have very many texts left on my contract lol

Camila: 11:31am: Sure go ahead.

Camila set down the phone and took a deep breath. Two seconds later it started playing Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco. Her ringtone.

She closed her eyes and picked up the phone.

"Hey Lauren." She said hesitantly.

"Hi Camila! Are we still on for Monday? Not going to class, being all rebel... like Winston and Julia in 1984!" Lauren joked. "Although I hope our relationship doesn't end with torture and death." She laughed.

Relationship.... Relationship??

Camila laughed. "Well yeah, I'm still up for it if you are!"

"Awesome!" Lauren said. "Uh- do you want to... maybe go to a movie on Monday or something? Just, you know, to hang out or something... or maybe...?"

"I think I'd like that a lot." Camila replied. "And hey, Lauren, when you said, it could be a date... did you mean a date date... or? Am I misreading the signals because I don't really know what to expect."

"Camila." Lauren said, and for a terrible second Camila thought Lauren was going to tell her she had been reading the signals wrong. "I mean it." Camila let out a breath that she HAD realized she had been holding as Lauren continued. "I really like you, so yeah. If you want it to be a date, then that sounds pretty good to me!"

"Y - yeah that'd be awesome!" Camila grinned. "I'll see you on Monday. "

"See you then!"

Once Camila had hung up the phone, she did a victory dance around her room with her cat Banana. Who was really not impressed, singing "I'm going on a date with Lauren! "

Little did she know, Lauren was doing the same thing, but with JayJay.

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