Chapter 2

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Camila sat on her bed, looking down at her hand where Lauren's phone number was written, feeling shocked and confused. Did she text Lauren to see what time they were meeting? But Lauren said don't text her unless it was an emergency. Did this qualify? So many questions were rushing through her head.

She sighed and decided to text Lauren. Picking up her iPhone, she entered Lauren's number in her phone and saved it as Lauren Jauregui, as she liked having the first name and last name thing of the iPhone, and being able to know exactly who she was talking to at all times.

Camila (2:30PM): Hey Lauren. its Camila.

Lauren (2:35PM): Oh hey Camila I was wondering when you were gonna text me

Camila (2:35PM): you were?

Camila (2:36PM): Thats cool. just wondering what time, we are meeting tomorrow

Lauren (2:38PM): I dont know

Lauren (2:38PM): Im coming to yours right?

Camila (2:39PM): Yeah, unless you want to change that? I dont know. I dont really mind. What time?

Lauren (2:41PM): Is two ok I have something before. Also whats your address?

Camila (2:42PM): my address is 21 Madeup St. And yeah 2 sounds ok. I'll see u then.

Camila put down her phone with a smile. That was easier than expected. She moved over to her desk, and decided to get a head start on her biology homework. 'Fuck my life.' She thought. Biology was her least favorite subject.

After struggling with biology for half an hour or so, she decided she would go downstairs and see if there was anything for dinner.

Lauren groaned. She was meeting Camila tomorrow. She was going to Camilas house tomorrow. She wouldn't be surprised if Camila didn't let her in, after all, she was kind of a bitch to her. Lauren knew that Camila wouldn't do that though; she was too nice.


Camila was sitting on her bed reading when there was a ring on the doorbell.

"COMING" she yelled, throwing her time-beaten copy of City of Bones on her bed.

Walking downstairs, she realized that it was probably Lauren at the front door.

"Shit" she muttered to herself, before opening the door to reveal the perfectly dressed, lip glossed, Lauren, carrying a case which most probably contained her bass guitar.

"Hi, Camila." Lauren said.

"Oh, uh, hi, Lauren. Come in?" Camila said, moving to let Lauren enter.

"My room's upstairs. Do you want to?" Camila gestured awkwardly towards the ceiling.

"Sure. Lead the way." Lauren replied.

Camila walked upstairs, pausing only to open the door to her bedroom for Lauren. Lauren walked in and took in her surroundings. Noticing the book haphazardly thrown on Camilas bed, she gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" Camila asked worriedly.

"You like the Mortal Instruments?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah. You like the Mortal Instruments?" Camila replied incredulously.

"Yes! But whenever I try to talk about it with anyone it ends in two ways. One, no one believes I've actually read it, because I'm 'popular', and "popular girls don't read"-yes, I've actually had that said to me before. Or two, they end up hating me because I don't ship Clace or Sizzy."

"What do you ship, if you don't ship them then?" Camila asked curiously.

"I ship Clary and Isabelle. Have you seen them? Those two were MEANT for each other!" Lauren protested.

"Seriously? Same!" Camila said. "It's a shame there's like, NO fan fiction, but with the new TV show coming out, there should be a new influx of shippers. Or, like, hopefully, anyway." Suddenly remembering who she was talking to, Camila stopped herself. "So, do you want to get started on the song then?" She asked, pulling her Fender guitar out of its black case.

"Sure." Lauren said, disconcerted by the quick change of subject.

"What were you thinking of doing for it? Like, what sort of song?" Camila asked.

"Well, I mean, I saw you at the freshman talent show last year, and you were pretty good, so, we should be able to do something kind of cool." Lauren replied, mentally slapping herself for mentioning the talent show. She shouldn't let on that she remembered that.

'She remembered?' Camila thought.

"Oh, ok cool, so, you want to do something like that?"

"Yeah. Maybe a complicated strumming technique with a deep bass line?" Lauren suggested.

"That sounds awesome. So should we get started? My song writing usually starts with the strumming, so"

They practiced for a few hours, getting the technique almost perfect, when Lauren noticed what time it was.

"Oh, shit! I've got to be somewhere. Listen, I'll see you later? Yeah?" Lauren smiled at Camila.

"Okay, sure." Camila smiled back at her.

When she was walking out of the door, Lauren decided that she wasn't going to be a bitch to Camila anymore.

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