Chapter 5

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Camia was standing in the bathroom, running the water down the sink and watching it when Demi walked in.

Camila, hey, are you alright?" Demi asked gently, putting her hand on Camila's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Camila replied. "Just had a bit of a freak out, that's all."

"You know if you ever want to talk..." Demi left the question hanging, already knowing the answer.

"I'm fine, Demi. Let's go back out."

Demi sighed. "Okay, sure."

They walked out of the bathroom and into the hall just as the bell rang.

"Shit, I should probably get to class." Demi said, "see you soon."

Waving to Camila, she walked off.

Camila sighed. 'I can't be assed to go to class.' She thought to herself, picking up her bag. Walking to the kerb of the sidewalk, she sat down.

Lauren sat in class, turning her pencil round her fingers, wishing chemistry would just be OVER already. She was bored, tired, and wondering where Camila was, as she hadn't seen her since lunch.

FINALLY the bell rang, and Lauren grabbed her stuff and almost ran out of the classroom, hoping to catch Camila before she left.

Lauren waited outside Camila's locker (yes she knew where Camila's locker was. For practical reasons only, of course!) For around five minutes before giving up and making her way out of the building. Checking her phone, she sighed and kept walking, almost tripping over someone.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Lauren was completely ready to give this person the lashing of a lifetime when she turned around, until she noticed it was Camila.

"Camila? Hey!" Lauren said, relived. "Where were you? I haven't seen you since lunch!"

"Oh," Camila replied, "I was just..." she shifted her weight on her feet awkwardly.

"You bunked!" Lauren said incredulously. "That's so cool!"

"What?" Camila asked, confused. "How is that cool?"

"I've just never had the guts to do it before." Lauren admitted.

"Hey, why don't we do it together. On Monday?" Camila asked nervously. Monday was math, and math was really NOT Camila's favorite subject.

"Hey, yeah. I think I'd like that." Lauren smiled, her green eyes studying Camila.

"Well- well then it's a date- I mean, uh, not a date, like, a- friend then, you know?" Camila laughed nervously.

"I get it." Lauren grinned. "Well, I got to go now, I'll text you later, okay?"

Camila smiled. "Okay! "

"And hey," Lauren said while walking away. "It can be a date if you want" she said casually over her shoulder.

Camila stood for a minute, dazed. "Wait!" She called after Lauren but she was gone.

"What. The actual fuck."

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