Capitolo 18

2.5K 137 6

I have selected 25 people instead of 15 due to the amount of people who actually had stories on their accounts.

The way this was done was I made sure I started from the very first person all the way into I made the list notifying you all I had made the selections. I put everyone who had 1 work (that wasn't a tag book or them rambling) and 400 or less followers onto the list. After assigning the username a number I used a number generator to randomly give me 25 numbers

Here are the 25 Hellians who've been randomly selected.

1) Morgan_Herondale1234   2) JayGilmore17  3) CrispyAsian  4) Genderfluid_Assassin  

5) zieeziana  6) Muckinabout  7) JiJi_corrales23  8) SAM_S_KIM  9) josie5624

10) Breezo_A5ap 11) giggs101  12) nalonyn  13) wyellchow 14) CryogenicAngel

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