17: Flicker

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It's been about three days since. I still haven't told Tasha what's going on, or what's happened. She's gonna trip when I tell her. I decide to text her all the details while I wait for the guys to finish.

Mr. Baker hasn't let me out of his sight since. He'll sleep on the floor if he has to. He got drunk a few nights ago with the guys. I decided to rest instead, but Mr. Baker came in and passed out on the floor.

"Hey, ready?" Mr. Baker asks walking into the living room. He skips for a moment, as I stand. My little red dress, that exposes me more than needed.

"Okay. Let's goooh my god.... Marilyn..." Slim stutters, walking in.

"Is it too much? I'm sorry." I feel a bit embarrassed, and start to walk into my room. "I'll change."

"No..." Mr. Baker stops me. "We just..." He clears his throat. "You look really beautiful."

"Thank you." I smile and fix his collar. "You do too. Both of you."

The car ride was anything but quiet. We were in this car with an infinite amount of seats, it felt like. Everyone was there. People I knew and new faces. I was sat in between Kells and Rook.

"So, are you gonna work for Kells again?" Rook asks me, trying to shout over the music and loud conversation, without catching everyone's attention.

"I don't know." I shrug. He nods.

"Are you the one who lived with him?" He inquired. I could tell he was interested, and already drunk.

"Same house. Different rooms." I answer.

"Well, I mean, he does have his arm around you." He points out. I look and see his arm around my shoulders.

"Of course he does." I fake a smile jokingly.

"We are here!" I hear Dub shout.

The car door opens and we all pour out of it. Mr. Baker still wrapped around me.

"The party's here, bitches!" Kells yells as we walk in. Admittedly the party did get even more hyped.

After a few drinks, and the guys were all doing there thing. I hear a whistle and see Tasha approaching. I smile and then see the look on her face. She comes up and throws her fist, before it could collide with Mr. Baker's face, I put my hand there. Hurting me more than him.

"Not the face." I say, taking her fist and holding her hands behind her back, before she hurt anyone.

"How could you let that happen to my baby?" She said aggressively.

"It's not his fault. Let's go get a drink." I whispered in her ear. "I'll just be over there." I told him as we walked away.

We sat by the drinks and had a few. We made conversation. I told her what was going on, and she told me that she thinks she might have found the woman of her dreams. Who was across the room, but not the point.

"Ooooo! They're setting up karaoke. Let's do it! Please, please, please." She begged. Who was I kidding. I was buzzed and feelin' myself.

"Okay, but no cheesy songs." I said. She pulled me on stage. I hear a familiar beat and chuckle.

"Come on." She begged. Her favourite karaoke duet, an of course I had to be the guy.

I shook my head, and looked out at the crowd. Seeing Mr. Baker and the guys, start to walk through. They didn't notice me, yet. I sighed and licked my lips. I loosen up and sway my hips.

"I got chills
They're multiplyin'" I knew once I sang that first verse I had everyone's attention.

Tasha and I did not stick to our regular routine. She was trying to get her 'true love's" attention. I flirted with Kells, but also with the guy closest to the stage. Which made him terribly jealous.

The song ended and I was about to get off the stage. Feeling my hand being pulled back, and twirling into Mr. Baker's arms. The DJ really wanted us to sing 'Summer Love.' We gave in. It was one of the most fun karaoke's I've ever done.

"Your Danny was better than mine." He joked.

"There." I said standing his collar up, jokingly. He laughed.

"I didn't know you could sing." He said.

"I strip too." I laughed. I looked over to see Tasha making out with her love. I smiled and shook my head.

"I would love to see that." He said after a moment.

"I'm sure you would."

After talking to him for a bit, he decided to bring up what happened when I left.

"You leaving was kinda selfish.." He almost whispered.

"What about all the times you left? I know you didn't just 'go for a walk.'" I scoffed.

"I needed to." He scoffed.

"Yeah. I'm sure you did." I said standing up. He grabs my arm.

"Don't embarrass me, by making a scene." He said, looking around.

"Piss off, Baker." I said, jerking my arm away and throwing my drink on him.

I stormed out of the party and caught a cab to Dub's place. Arriving there, I paid and got out, noticing another car pull up. I saw his tall, beautiful, perfect self. I was furious. I rolled my eyes and start walking inside.

"Marilyn, wait..." He chased after me. "I'm sorry, M." He said once we were inside.

I was almost all the way down the hall to my room. I threw my heels aside. And turned to face hip. I popped my hip out and arms crossed with attitude.

"Why do you care anyways? Don't apologise. You're right. Just bringing me was an embarrassment to you. All I am is just some ex-stripper, who no one could ever love. That's on me. Sorry." I almost shouted.

"You're more than that. Bringing you to that party, tonight, wasn't about being seen or any of that. It was about being with you. You, Marilyn. Not some ex-stripper. You. Because you mean something to me. I'm sorry I said that shit. I was way too out of it." He explained.

"You were saying it because it was true. All I've done for you if clean your house and cause drama. How much could that mean to you?" I sighed.

"When you left me, M, it was something else. I didn't know anyone could affect me that much. Not being around you, is to be longing for better. You don't understand me, right now." He sighed.

"You kissed me. I didn't make the first move. That was all you." I said, referring to the first time we ever were intimate.

"BECAUSE I WANTED YOU! You didn't push me off either." He was getting frustrated. "I still want you."

I watched him. His lips were swollen from talking. His tongue flicked lightly as he spoke, glimmering in the light. His hair was a mess, but a mess that my fingertips wanted to explore. His shirt was messed up, the top buttons were unbuttoned. His eyes were focused on me. Before I could even counteract myself, I ran to him, jumping up and kissing his deeply, as he holds me up.

If there are any errors, please point out, and they will be corrected. Please tell me your ideas, and what I can do to improve. Your thoughts count.

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