25: Little To None

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Mr. Baker started his tour back up. I visit him occasionally, but I've been living with Tasha, in her new house.

"Hey, baby. I don't have work, today." Tash said, sitting beside me on the couch.

She had just gotten out of the shower. Her was hair wet and curly. She had an orange ish, yellow ish hoodie on and some panties.

We sat there and watched a music award thing. It was kinda annoying to me. There was a brief part where Mr. Baker was in the back, kissing and touching and just smothering himself with other women.

"M..." Tash placed her hand on my knee.

"Hey.." I chuckled. "I don't care. Whatever makes him happy."

"Have y'all talked at all?" She asked, turning the TV off.

"Yeah. I've gone to see him several times." I sigh.

"And?" Tash moved my hair out of my face, an tucked it behind my ear.

"Every..." I took a breath, feeling myself choke up. "He's too busy, too fucked up, or complaining about what I'm wearing and how I'm acting."

"Hey, honey, it'll get better." She wiped the tear from my cheek.

"It's been months, Tasha. He doesn't care. Honestly. He doesn't." I sighed and wiped my face from the tears, and got up, hearing my phone buzz.

"Who is it?" Tash asked, as I walked over and picked it up.

"Rook." I breathed out and wipe my inner eye as I answered. "Hello? Rook? Hello?"

I sat there and just listened for a minute. He had butt dialled me, and I had heard something that I shouldn't have. As I was going to hang up, I hear Rook realise he called me.

"M! Hey! When did we get on call?" He asked, drunk.

"You butt dialled." I said.

"Oh. I'm so happy I did. We miss you. When are you coming to visit again?" He was out of it.

"Rook, you're suppose to be back at the mansion, in two days. I'll be there, tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Kells she's gonna be here tomorrow!!" Rook shouted in excitement.

"No. Rook. Not there. Rook." I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Marilyn!!!" I heard Slim shout into the phone.

"Are you all drunk?" I inquire, and Tasha gets up and stands beside me.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Yeah!" Rook chuckles.

"Am I on speaker?"


"Hey, M." I heard Ace.


"Sorry, M, but Kells is a little busy. If you know what I mean." I heard Dub laughing.

"Hey, guys.

"Oh god no-" I heard, before the call cut.

"Rook. Rook? Slim?" I sigh and put my phone down. "I have to be there tomorrow."

"Well, I have work, tomorrow. I'll drop you of in the morning, on my way." She suggested.

"Okay. Thanks, Tash. For being here for me." I smile softly.

"Oh, thank you, baby." She said pulling me into her arms for a hug.

I was laying on the bed, and Tash was in the bathroom with the door open.

"Hey, do you know the last time I had my period?" Tash called out.

"Uhmm... The last one I remember was a few months ago." I blurt, then widen my eyes realising what I had just said. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, sitting in front of her.

"There are pregnancy tests under the sink." She tells me and without any question I open the cabinet and grab the box.

I rip it open and hand her a test. She pees on four sticks just in case. We stressfully wait for the tests. They take ten minutes.

"What's gonna happen if we really have one?" I ask looking at her. "You can't go back to work."

"M, the fact that your first thought is 'we' is enough for me, baby." She smiles.

I hear the timer beep and jump up. We look at all four sticks. Every one of them has two lines, reading positive. My eyes widen and I look up at her slowly, who has the same exact expression. Huge smiles across both our faces. We have our outbursts of excited sounds, jumping and hugging each other.

"We're gonna be moms. Together!!!" I screeched. "Oh my god. We need to start buying stuff. Diapers, bottles, a crib. We need to make a room." I smile.

"Calm down. We need to get me an appointment with a doctor." She said. I nod.

"Right. Right. I have a bunch of cool stuff for this exact occasion, at the mansion. I'm gonna go get them. You stay here." I kissed her cheek and grab my keys, phone, and purse; heading out the door.

I was so excited, but as I stopped and sat at those red lights stress of raising a child sank in. I tried pushing it aside as I pulled up to the mansion. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Hey, Brit." I said, walking up the stairs to Mr. Baker's room.

I walked in and saw a mess, Mr. Baker was laying on the bed. He was supposed to be back the day after tomorrow. I walked over to the side he was on. He looked sick. Like badly sick. He needed medical attention as soon as he could get it.

"Mr. Baker... Kells? Colson, wake up. Fuck." I felt panic grow in my chest. I ran downstairs, calling Slim.

"Hey, It's Slim. Call you back, later." I hear his voicemail. I sighed.

"Fuck!" I shouted and Brit walked over to me.

"What happened?" She asked, she had a guy over.

"You. Out, now." I told her guy friend.

"Hey, I'm with-"

"Get the fuck out of my house." I shouted. He scurried out.

"What the hell, Marilyn? You have no manners." Brit crossed her arms.

"Mr. Baker is sick. Where the fuck were you?"

"Where were you?" She glared. I slapped her, walking back upstairs, and getting Mr. Baker up.

I wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Wrapping my own arm around his torso, to have more control. He was heavier than usual. Sweaty, smelled, and unconscious. I sighed and somehow managed to get him to the car, and rushed him to the hospital.

Thank you for reading. Please send ideas and corrections.

Mr. Baker's Assistant (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now