28: Cupid Lost Aim

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I had got him out of the hospital about a week ago an brought him home. I was the only one who was really taking care of him. Making sure he had his meds, keeping his wounds clean. Along the week he had given me this signal, or so I thought, that he had heard me tell him I loved him.

So, I've been treating it as we were together. As in a relationship. As a couple. Which was big for me because I hadn't really been in a solid relationship in a long time. I didn't want to ask 'what are we?' Because that's what teenagers do.

"Ya know, we could finish this like we used to..." Mars hummed, placing a hand on my thigh and looking from the road to me.

"This isn't old times, Mars. I'm with someone." I spoke coldly, pushing his hand off without looking at him.

He didn't try anymore. He wasn't the begging type. He was handsome. Dark hair, light eyes, and a smartass mouth. He had a bruise on his cheekbone and a slight cut on his lip, from the mission.

We went to his small, but nice, house, where we had originally met up at. I saw my black car still parked in the dirt path. He was walking up the cement steps to his grey house.

"You know where to find me, Doll." He called to me, not looking back.

I shook my head, and hopped into my car. I was pretty excited to see Mr. Baker when I got home. I haven't really seen him all day. I missed his smell, and his presence. Sounds silly, because I literally had just been around him this morning, but he was sleeping.

I pull up to the mansion, and get out. I check the mail, looking through it. I sigh and unlock the door. I throw the mail on the table, by the door. I started walking upstairs, but I caught a glimpse of a something, and walked back to the living room.

I stopped in my tracks. My heart felt like it was too heavy for my chest. I couldn't even think. In that second I guess my mind had made its choice.

"M, I-I can explain.... M..." Mr. Baker held up his hand.

Brittany was on his lap, half naked. Her  pale, pink lipstick all over his swollen lips and hickied neck. His black belt unbuckled, and pants unzipped and unbuttoned.

I felt the cold ring on my finger slip a little then pulled it off and calmly placed it on the stand next to me.

"M..." He sighed, pushing her off and getting up. "Marilyn..." He walked towards me.

"Save it." I spoke colder than I had to Mars.

I turned away and walked straight out the door. I got in my car and just started driving. I wasn't sure where I was actually going, but I had ended up at Mason's house. He had heard me and walked out. I got out of my car and walked up to him determined.

"Take your fucking shirt off." I demanded, before pushing him back inside. The creaky door slamming behind us, and lock chains rattling.

"What about your boyfriend?" He chuckled, licking his lips.

"When did that ever stop you?" I ask, rhetorically.

He smirked and took his shirt off, while I pulled my black, leather jacket off. I leaned towards him, and kissed him roughly. It's been so long since I've tasted him. He tasted like every part of my life I hated, but I wanted to drown out my own thoughts.

I wanted to drown out the scene burned into the back of my eyelids. I needed to escape my mind. The thought of actually believing he loved me. Him kissing her. The flashing scenes of his lips on her body.

He pulled my black shirt off, and kissed my soft neck. I unbuckled his cold, black belt, and he pushed me against the cold, hard wall. I bit my swollen lip.

"Not old times, huh?" He chuckled and kissed me, biting my lip.

He moved his big, rough hands up my warm thighs, and slapped my ass hard; picking me up in one sudden movement. I grabbed his face, feeling his shape, strong jawline, and kissed his heated lips rough and hard.

He pressed me against the hard, cold wall harder. I felt the tender bruises on my back ache. He walked backwards towards his room. It was dark. He had hung black curtains.

I had got onto my own two feet, jumping down out of his arms. I pushed him into the big bed, by pressing my small, pale hands against his broad, muscled shoulders.

I saw his chest in the faint light. He had a few clean tattoos here and there. There was a purple bruise on his hip and a redish one on his collarbone. The faint, faded scars presented themselves in the soft light.

Seeing him like this reminded me of when he and I gave ourselves to one another for the first time.

Okay. Shorter than usual. Sorry. Send ideas ppl. I build mine from yours. Sorry it took so long to update. I knew that in the last chapter the risk was so big that I would either lose you or get more reactions. Please correct my grammatical errors as often as possible.

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