Chapter 8

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After she ran out the door like I was about to pounce I laughed after her. Something changed between us. I can feel it but I wasn't sure how to explain it. The air changed and the tension has disappeared. I missed her those three days that I ignored her but I couldn't see her without being afraid that I will let my rage take control. Her words echoed in my mind.

I'm not going to lie. It hurt to hear her say it. I was bitter and angry but the moment I felt her warm hands on my face and the way she held me through the night. It melted whatever resistance I had.

There was something different about Aella. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach-a small stirring that makes my heart pick up in speed every time I think about her. The way her hair was always tied up in a ponytail or the way her dark chocolate eyes swirl with rebellion and strength. I wasn't sure but she was different.

I quickly took a shower to ease the ache in my body from last night. Every time Lily slept with another male, my body takes a toll. My knees will wobble as I stand. My head will spin. My whole body will feel like a heavy weight was placed on top of it. A shower usually helps take away the aftermath.

Once I was done, I donned up a black sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of red athlete shorts before slipping on my shoes and walking out of the bedroom. I glanced quickly over at Aella's door before exhaling and jogging down the steps.

I made my way out the front door and began my morning routine. I broke into a jog and started at the nearest border and running around her territory. The morning breeze blowing past me and the way the ground under me shifted as I ran was comforting. It didn't take me long before my breathing even out and my jog became steady.

Right when I was about to round the last corner of the territory I saw a shadow in the woods. My body slowed down as I wiped the sweat from my chin. My gaze moved back to the shadow but it has disappeared. An odd stirring told me, it was not my imagination. I didn't move for a few minutes as I listened carefully for any sound.

I slowly began jogging back to the pack house. I have to make sure to follow up on my soldiers regarding border patrol. When I arrived just down the valley with the pack house almost within sights I saw Aella standing in the middle of the field talking to her Beta.

Beta Kane. Who could forget the little pest who has been pestering me for days regarding the safety of his Alpha?

Aella's back was turned to me. She was in a white tank top with black leggings that molded her perfect curvy bottom nicely. I took a moment to appreciate it before walking up and making sure to assert myself in between them.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked.

Aella frowned as she looked up at me. Beta Kane on the other hand was not very happy to see me.

"I was just having a conversation with my Alpha that doesn't involve you." He responded.

I shrugged and wrapped an arm around Aella's shoulder to which she shrugged off. I instead placed a hand around her waist. She pushed against me to give us distance but I squeezed her waist tighter, silencing her movement. Beta Kane's eyes moved to where my hand rested. A sense of possessiveness has taken over and I knew what I am doing was going to be scrutinized but I wasn't one to care what others think.

"Can you give us a moment?" Aella snapped at me.

"Anything you two have to say can be said in front of me. I promise I am very good with secrets." I replied wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes but I caught the hint of a sparkle before she looked away.

"I think you should release my Alpha before I rip your hand off." Beta Kane threatened.

I arched an eyebrow. "I will like to see you try."

Beta Kane was about to move and do what he just threatened but Aella spoke halting him in his action.

"Kane, we can talk later." She said.

"Are you serious? You are going to cut our conversation short because of this idiot? I thought I knew you. You sure have changed, Aella. I never would have thought that you would bend to anyone's will and now you are siding with people who are supposed to be our enemies!" He growled.

Ok, that's it. Someone was about to get a bloody nose and maybe a broken rib as well as a black eye.

My fingers loosened up around Aella's waist as I was about to defend her but she halted me in my action by throwing a punch at Kane's jaw.

My eyes widened as I saw him go down. He looked back up at Aella and wiped the blood from his lip.

"You know me better than that, Kane." She gritted out. Her hands clenched at her side.

"Yeah, well, that's exactly what I am saying. You are allowing this asshole to touch you." Kane growled out as he threw me a glower.

She sighed and rubbed her temple. "Kane, please."

Kane stood up and moved to grab both of her hands. She looked up at him and he leaned down to her eye level. I narrowed my eyes at this interaction and pursed my lips. I don't like him touching her.

"Mate with me, Aella. Be mine." Kane urged. "Together, we can save our pack. Then he can go home and we can be together. Everything will go back to normal."

Aella looked at him surprised and then she brought her lower lips in as she chewed nervously. "I don't know, Kane."

"Well I know-"I started.

"Shut up." Kane growled.

"Kane I don't feel that way about you. I see you as my brother." Aella started. Kane wasn't having any of that. He shook his head and moved his hand to Aella's shoulder.

"Please give us a try. I have been trying to get your attention for years, Aella. Please." Kane begged.

I rolled my eyes. My knuckles were starting to itch. It was official. I don't like this male and I wanted to beat the living hell out of him.

"Kane-"Aella began.

"No." I said. Kane turned towards me and I can see the determination in his eyes.

"Ok, can I at least think about it?" Aella quickly said. My eyes whipped from Kane to Aella so fast I think my eyeballs almost rolled back.

"What?" I growled.

Kane's shoulder sagged in relief. He nodded and pulled Aella into a quick hug before walking away. I watched him disappear briefly before turning to Aella.

"You are going to think about it?!" I shouted at her.

"Yes, he is a good male. He has always been by my side. He is the closest person to me and he knows everything about me." Aella said avoiding my gaze.

My hands moved to cup her cheeks. "You will not choose a mate this way."

"Why do you care? This is my pack. I should handle it the way I want it." She muttered and tried to get away from me but I wasn't having any of it. My hand moved to the back of her head as I brought her forehead to mine.

Her eyes widened at my action. My heart picked up speed but I knew deep inside of me it was right. My action was clear as day.

A sign of equality.

A sign of dedication.

A sign of loyalty.

"W-what are you doing?" She sputtered.

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