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After saving our captured Luna and receiving the approval to leave the pack in search of my mate, I left and traveled around the world. A part of me was happy to meet all the packs but a part of me was restless. I wanted to see her. I wanted to meet her and each pack that I went to, only placed a heavy weight on my heart. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see her.

One day, I was walking down the streets of London to one of the pastry shops nearby where I was staying when a sweet scent caught my attention. My wolf was acting up more than usual. My heart rate picked up. I walked around the corner of the brick building and down a small alley--intent on finding the smell.

My ears perked up when I heard shouting and pleading. I quickened my pace until I saw three wolves tossing and playing with a female. The sweet scent was coming from her. Her eyes caught mine and instantly a strong connection was created.

I have found her.

The sound of the males laughing and taunting her brought me back out from my thoughts. I walked over to one and grabbed his shoulders. He turned to look at me in surprise as I raised my first and it landed on his jaw. He went down cold. I turned towards the other two, who by now have noticed me. They released my beautiful mate and started towards me. I moved into stance as I calculated their next move.

They were big burly males-a lot bigger than me. The one on the right came at my full swing, using his weight as an advantage. I quickly ducked under his arms and hit him square on the stomach. He fell to the ground, clutching at his guts. As quickly as the other one hit, the one of my left knocked me to the ground. I fell hard and with a grunt.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved." He growled out as he brought up a first and slammed down on my side. Pain shot through but I gritted my teeth and blocked the next blow with my arm. I grabbed him around the neck and with all my strength twisted his body over to the ground, my legs wrapping around him until I was on top.

He blinked in surprise as I lifted up my fist and slammed it down repeatedly on his face until he was unconscious and his struggled stopped. The last male saw where this was going and quickly stood up and ran away, holding his stomach as he did.

"Thank you." Her sweet melodic voice came from behind me.

I got up and wiped the sweat from under my chin as I looked at her-truly looked at her. She was a beauty. Moon Goddess was a sweetheart. A grin crawled onto my face I approached her. My hand was coming up to cup her face.

"You can thank me with a kiss." I said as I pulled her up for a kiss. Her soft sweet sigh came shortly after as I felt our bond vibrate through us. Her hands came up to wrap around my neck and I growled in satisfaction.

"Come with me." She said as she pulled back. Her long copper hair flowing down her back and the dress she wore hugged her body perfectly. I could see every curve.

She pulled me down further into the alley and into a red door, leading me up the steps to another floor where she pulled out her key and opened the door. Quickly, she pulled me inside and when the door was fully closed, she pushed me against the door as she kissed me hard on the lips.

She was bold and it took me a little off guard but I was just as eager as she was. Soon, we were tearing each other's clothes off and she was pulling me towards her bed.


It was later that night that I awoke with her soft warm body wrapped around in mine. A smile came on my face as I pulled her close. She moaned and moved closer to my body. I couldn't wait to bring her back home to meet everyone.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Lily." She replied sleepily before opening her eyes to look at me. "What is yours?"

"Noor Alhasan." I replied.

She rolled my name around her mouth before she smiled and inched up closer to my face, her breast pressing against me in a provocative manner and I responded quickly to the feel of her.

"You must be an Alpha. I can feel a certain kind of power around you." Her eyes lighting up and her smile was radiant.

I shook my head as a smile came on my own face, "I'm sorry to disappoint, my sweet. I am not an Alpha. I am a Gamma. My Alpha is Alpha Titus. Would you come home with me? Everyone would be eager to meet you."

Her smile slipped a little but she caught herself and smiled. Something told me that something was bothering her and I was about to ask her when she moved up to kiss me again. All thoughts left my mind as I felt her hand slipped down to wrap around me and before I knew it she threw the covers off and straddled my hips.


I didn't wake up until after the sun was high in the sky. I blinked several times as I looked around the room. I saw her standing there, donning up her dress. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at her.

"Where are you going so quickly? I am not done with you." I teased. When she glanced up, I saw that she was not happy to see that I was awake.

"Noor." She started as she finished fixing up her dressed and walked up to me. She sat down on the side of the bed and one hand came out to cup my cheeks. "I am so sorry, Noor. I have to do this. You are not what I was expecting as a mate. I wanted an Alpha. You're just a Gamma. I can't allow myself to mated to you. I want to lead-"

"Don't, please." I started to sit up. She immediately stood up and took a step back. Hurt flashed through me at her sudden recoil.

"I am so sorry, Noor. I hope you can forgive me and I hope that you can find someone that can live with your status." She softly said but I can see no remorse in her face. Her words fell short. The sympathy couldn't be heard in her voice. She was faking it.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?" She returned. "Why I slept with you?"

I nodded and she laughed. "I slept with you because I wanted to at least understand how it felt to be with your mate. At first, I thought you were an Alpha with the power aura that you had but to hear that you were only a Gamma. I was greatly disappointed."

My heart felt like someone split it with a sword and then minced it in a grinder. I was in so much pain I couldn't speak. She slowly backed away and then spoke again.

"I, Lily Swinton, reject you, Noor Alhasan as my mate." She repeated and instantly I felt the pain in my chest. The already fragile bond was even weaker. I tried to get out of bed and follow her but she shook her head and began running out the door.

"Lily!" I called out her name but she didn't stop.

I couldn't chase after her. I couldn't run outside completely naked. I went in search of my clothes before walking out. I tried to trace her and I tried to find her but she was nowhere to be found. I spent days and even months and each day I died a little inside.

Finally, after seven months of searching for her, I gave up. My already dead heart turned cold. I didn't return home. Instead, I fought in the werewolf arenas with my intention to die fighting but I fought for years and never lost a fight.

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