"Matt this is the reason I woln't talk to you for one minute. Cause if you don't get what you want you throw a fit and act like your god. Mabey once you break up with Bella and I can trust you I'll talk to you. But until then leave me alone." I say...
I rush to get ready today's another boring day in the city of dreams. I'm a tattoo artist sort of I'm the person who works at the front of the shop. I'm the person who draws what you want and takes your money. I know great description but needles scare me and the thought of messing up that could give me a heart attack alone. I throw on a black lace bralette with jean shorts. I brushed my teeth grabbed my black converse and ran to my car. ➖➖➖ We've only been open for five minutes and I already want to leave. I'm just drawing more ideas. I want to leave I wish I could I moved from New York to LA just because I wanted a change in surroundings little did I know how expensive that would be. My brother found me this job and they pay decent money. I mean not great money but for what I do sit around look pretty and draw it's good. I start drawing letters I don't know why just love the looks and styles. I know people like symbols because they mean something unsaid. But it's dope when you see a dad come in and want his daughters name on his arm. My dad never did that he picked drugs over my brother and me. A ring takes me out of my thoughts and back into Hell. I put my book down and stand up.
"Hi! How can I help you guys?" I ask trying to be polite but wanting to strangle them.
"Hey um want something new." A young guy 20 something, covered in tattoos, with pink hairs says inching his way closer to me.
"What do you have in mind?" I ask hoping he knows what he wants. Because the second most annoying thing on the planet is when someone one doesn't know what they want.
"Can I look in your book again?" He ask looking down at my book. Um I don't let people really pick out of there. How does he even know about my book? And again did I let him do it? Oh wait he's yeah he's...
"Your Matthew right?" I ask handing him my book. As he flips through the pages.
"Yeah he's Matthew but you can call him Mat or bear and I'm Derek." The other guy says.
"I like this one." Mat says as he shows me the one of my name. Yeah what the hell? "Just can you make it say Bella?" He adds
"Um yeah sure?" I say kinda asking. I take my book back and flip to the last page. I draw this...
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"I like it." Matt says looking down at the paper then up at me.
"So wife or daughter?" I ask but he seems like the type of guy who just met some chick and wants a tattoo of her name.
"Girlfriend." He says looking at his phone. And I stand corrected.
"Then can I get just the crown?" Derek ask looking me up and down which makes me slightly uncomfortable but I'm use to it.
"Sure I just need to see both your ID's." I say as they both hand me there's. I look at them and hand them back.
Anthony walks out from the back see them then immediately says "Matt long time no see. Derek how's it been?"
"Hey man I know." Matt says walking over to Anthony doing the bro hug thing.
"So did Jessica get what you wanted?" Anthony ask looking at me.
"Yeah she did." Derek says as he looks over at me smirking.
"Yeah I drew everything up." I say ripping out the paper and handing it to him. ➖➖➖
The guys left Matt ended up not getting the tattoo smart choice on his part. But he leaves he leaves his number. I look at the paper he left it on yeah I'll just throw that in the trash. 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟 New book I'm so excited the other I was working on wasn't good enough so here we are!