"Matt this is the reason I woln't talk to you for one minute. Cause if you don't get what you want you throw a fit and act like your god. Mabey once you break up with Bella and I can trust you I'll talk to you. But until then leave me alone." I say...
"So you decided you would do it?" Anthony ask thinking oh boy this kid again.
"No I want..." Matt says before I cutt him off.
"He wants the one that Josh got after." I say he knows what I mean when I say after then stop a sentence. ➖➖➖
"So you going to Aaron's party tonight?" Mat ask as he finishes up paying.
"I go to most his parties." I say packing up my stuff cause it's almost my time to go home.
"So I'll see you tonight." He says as he takes his credit card.
"Yeah I guess so." I say as he leaves and walks out. ➖➖➖ I'm finally home if felt like today took forever. Today's been a fun day I guess. More like intresting yeah intresting. I throw my shoes on the floor and lay on the couch. I turn on the T.V. & it's on E!(*pop*) E news is on like my favorite news channel on the planet. I watch for like five minutes and I was about to go on untill I see.
"So recently Blackbears been getting a lot of attention with Digital Druglord, the Do re mi music video, and rumors about him and Bella Thorne dating! What? The ex-Disney star and singer have been shown together in recent Snapchats and stories. And we're found wandering the streets of New York recently. And as of last night it seems like the two have gotten puppies. Breaking news our team here at e news has gotten confirmation that the two our dating. A little under an hour ago he posted this picture. That's all we have for now but we will keep you posted on all of our socialmedias." Maria Menounos says before I turn off the T.V. ➖➖➖
I get off the couch thinking how I have to get ready. I go to my bathroom and take a shower do my makeup leave my hair as is. Then put on this...
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➖➖➖ The second I get there I'm hit by the smell of smoke, drinks, sweat. Aaron comes up almost wasted and hands me a beer. I open it up and take a "sip". I walk around the party dancing, taking "sips" of my drink. I see him, he sees me, we stare at each other awkwardly for a minute then he walks my way. I'm froze what do I do runnings not a choice, walking away he's faster, talking to him um no. Fake a heart attack no no no that woln't work. Turn around find someone I know that woln't work. Shit he's here heart attack time nope Aaron comes to save the day.
"Here Kylie!" He says handing me a few Xanax. Then walking away wow Aaron so much for saving the day. I take them and put them under my tongue. Life is good now life is good.
"We need to talk." Matt says grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs. He opens the door to the guest bedroom and takes me inside then locks the door. 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟 So how's life fam?????