"Matt this is the reason I woln't talk to you for one minute. Cause if you don't get what you want you throw a fit and act like your god. Mabey once you break up with Bella and I can trust you I'll talk to you. But until then leave me alone." I say...
Chloe got in the car and we both squealed super loud cause it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever. We start driving and I get a call from an unknown number. I answer it and it synced up to Bluetooth so Chloe can hear. "Hi this is Amanda from Alice photography! Can I speak with Kylie Jenn?" A cheerful voice answers over the phone.
"Yes hello speaking." I respond taken back on why I'm being called.
"Hello Mrs.Jenn I'm calling in regards to the shoot you did today. We were wondering if anytime tomorrow or this week you could come in and talk so we can get you in the works of a contract?" The cheerful voice says to me. My face brights up was I really that good. Ahhh oh my god oh my god oh my fucking god.
"Um yeah sure I'm available all whenever really." I say barely holding in my excitement. Now I feel bad about what I did to Mat. He deserved it but still this wouldn't happen if it wasn't for him.
"Okay can you come in at 9 am tomorrow morning?" The woman ask.
"Yes totally!" I say letting all my excitement out. Ahhhhhhh I'm so happy ahhhhhh.
"Okay we will see you then. Please wear no makeup and just brush your hair it makes it much easier thank you. Have a good night!" The woman says over the phone.
"Okay thank you." I say back before hanging up. I do a really happy girly scream and Chloe looks at me laughing. I fill her in on everything as we ride back home. ➖➖➖ Chloe and I finally got home after a car ride that felt like forever. I grab all the wine from the fridge and chips and other shit to eat. Chloe sits down on the couch as she turns on low music. "Kylie you can't eat that you're a model now." She says grabbing the chips from my hands.
"Why not?" I ask annoyed trying to grab my chips back.
"Because your a model you have to be in good shape. Go get a banana!" She laughs as she eats the chips in front of me.
"Whatever you suck." I say getting back up going into the kitchens grabbing two red solo cups. I know so fancy and some strawberries. I walk back over to the couch and we each pour our wine.
"Tomorrow we're getting you real wine glasses." Chloe giggles.
"I have real wine glasses I just don't want to clean them." I laugh back. We both laugh and sip our wine.
*knock knock
"Who's that?" Chloe ask like it's some guy that I'm in love with. At this point it could be a fucking alien I'd be fine.
"I don't know." I say anxiously getting up putting my cup down. I go over to the door and open it cautiously. ➖➖➖ Mat's POV She opened the door afraid I understand why. I think she expected me to be standing there but I couldn't tell if she wanted me to or not. She pushes me back outside into the hallway before gentle shutting her door. "What are you doing here?" Kylie whisper yells at me. Her hand still on my chest as I pull her closer by her waist.
"I'm here for you baby." I say as she rest her head on my chest and I feel her smile. God I fucking love her, I'm know I'm Blackbear but I love her. I don't want to just fuck around I want a girl that cares. I want a girl that I fucking care about, that I can actually give a fuck about.
"I'm sor..." she says before I cut her off a tear sliding from her eye soaking into my shirt.
"Don't be you didn't do shit. You just trusted me and I hurt you it's my fault."I say pulling her closer to me. Damn I hurt her I'm a fucking idiot why'd I pull that shit on her.
"So?" Kylie ask pulling back from me looking down.
"So can you give me another chance?" I ask. What the fuck is this girl doing to me.
"Yeah." She nods smiling while giving me a hug. I wrap my arms around her never wanting to let go.
"So can I come in?" I laugh as she nudges her head into my neck.
"Um... uh... one of my friends is here." She's nervously says. She's kidding she has a guy over. She's fucking kidding me.
"Someone I know?" I ask I swear to god if it's Mod or G I'm going to kill him. She backs up and opens the door.
"No one of my childhood friends." She lies. Fuck this girl can't stop playing these games with me.
I walk in and on the couch is a girl blond hair.
"Um Khloe." Kylie says breaking the silence. A girl a little older than Kylie turns around. She gets up and stares at me. What do I do Come on mat your Blackbear you know what to do.
Midnight thoughts of a bad boy emo singer Okay okay so I know I portray myself as this cool guy a player but not a fuck boy. Like don't get me wrong I love sex (I just love love. If you don't know that song fucking leave) and shit but I'm not like lip biting, or some like let me show you my abbs. Like hello I'm fucking scrawny af but I feel like the fans make up for it. I'm really self conscious like I cover myself in tattoos because I'm scrawny and I hate it. Like I'm also lazy so I don't go to the gym. And I also really don't have time for the gym to be honest like music is my fucking life. So back to being self conscious like not in my looks but like kinda. Like I don't like how I don't have perfectly toned abs(this is true right like I know he doesn't have like perfectly toned abs like Erik Drum insert picture...
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Fuck me daddy please. Sorry but I love him so much. Back to what I was saying if he does have abs like please comment it but like i don't think he does but maybe. I keep smiling like a weirdo because I see Erik Durm. And also I bet a lot of you are like Mat's my Daddy or that guys ugly but seriously I love him so much. Who's hotter Mat Tyler Musto or Erik Durm???) Or arms that are like a chickens leg.
To be continued... ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨ I will write more when school starts in a day. It is almost one am here and I love this so much now that you are hearing about Kylie's new job, Chloe coming in, Kylie and Mat getting back together and the "real" side of Mat. Luv you❤️💋❤️- Sierra The insta is @sierrafanfics15 hmu