Chapter 22.

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I sit opposite Xan. In my current state of mind distance is very crucial.

"So...?" I say nervously state drumming my fingers on the chair.

He laughs. "How was your kiss?"

I feel offended. "You came all the way here to ask how my kiss was?"

"Um... No. I came here to apologise for whatever I did that made you so mad that you shut everyone out"

"You didn't do anything" I lie.

"Does this by chance have anything to do with the letter you shove at me"

"Uh... that... I'm sorry for the outburst" I look away nervously.

"That teddy was a present meant for my ex on Valentine's day but I couldn't give it to her before I left. The note was meant to be a sweet message to remind her I love her and it was also the first thing I said to her when I asked her out"

"Were the other things you brought for me meant to be for her too?"

"No... look I'm sorry I threw you off that way"

"So you didn't mean it to me?"

"I mean we haven't gotten to that level yet" he chuckles uneasily.

"I got my letter for my anger management class" I say trying to change the subject.

"That's good. I applied as your mentor because you need someone close to monitor and maintain your progress" he informs me.

"What do you and Hermione always do in the library?"

"We work on a project" he answers quite naive.

"Project huh?" I murmur to myself.

"What?" He asks

"I have this family thing coming up do you want to come?" I ask quite straight forward.

"So... we good?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Will consider it - as long as you don't bring me any of your ex's stuff as a makeup gift" I grin.

He gets up to leave. "Can I get a hug to be assured that you'll consider forgiving me" he opens his arms.

"Even when we were good I didn't even fist bump you so why will I hug you now?" I say folding my arms across my chest.

He finally decides to leave. Right on time before my family returns.

I pretend like I'm sleeping.

"Hey baby" my mum says grabbing a glass of water. "You feeling okay now?".

No reply.

"Aww... come on sweetie I know you can hear me"

I yawn. "Oh- you're back. Time flies when I'm alone. I'll just go and sleep in my room" I get up to leave.

"I can see that you're much better" see smiles. "Did Lucy come over?"

"The person that came over is a far cry from Lucy - it was..."Rip says having trouble keeping his mouth shut.

"It was Stacey - Lucy's twin she just came back from South Africa" I chirp in.

"Oh...i thought she went to Rio?"

"Yeah! Yeah! She did- my bad" I jog upstairs. "See you later"

"Mel and Xan are in tune again". Rip whispers to my mum.

"Shut up you little rat" I shout from my room.

He giggles but doesn't reply.

I had already said that if Xan came to apologise I'll forgive him because he didn't really offend me. I was just being point blank jealous - Even though I still find it hard to admit.

Esmarelda Lance: The girl you don't wanna mess with. Where stories live. Discover now