Chapter 28

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In the morning I wake up late and hardly have time to get ready for school so I decide to stay in bed since I had a pounding headache and my hurt arm is worse but I decide to get up later- which I regret because of what was going to happen.

I don't bother to lock my door since everyone in this house is so busy. No one will even notice if I disappeared.

I go to bed and sleep for a while.
Later on I hear a loud bang.

I thought everyone had gone out since it was quiet.

I go downstairs to where the noise came from really carefully.

I spot Harris- and then Zang walks in angrily.

"Don't touch me!" Harris shouts.

"I said I can explain!" Zang shouts back.

"What is your problem? Ever since we were young you've been driven by wealth, power and jealously!" He screams.

"Well... look at where it got me! I have a good life so I don't care what you think!". She screams back.

"Are you going to ruin Mel because of your greed? Are you going to destroy this family?!" He clenches his fists.

"They are my kids. MY kids!" She pushes him.

"Mel was kidnapped from America. She's NOT your kid!" He clenches his teeth as his chest rises rapidly.

"I adopted her here"

"Her relatives in America think she's dead!" He tries to control his anger. "That doesn't sound like the adoption was mutual... I'm sure you manipulated the system to adopt her"

"How did you find out?" She trembles.

"On one of my trips to America. I sort of felt I should dig up somethings on your mysterious life in America. It kinda jumped out of the blues. I even considered visiting her family"

"You devil!" She shakes.

"Are the rumours really true? Did you  bring her here without proper protocol followed?"

"I owe you no explanation! I have my reasons" she can hardly find her voice.

I feel like the whole world is betraying me.

I walk downstairs normally like i just woke up.

"Hey mum why do you look so pale?" I pretend to be worried.

"Work stuff honey, work stuff" she replies giving Harris the coldest stare before walking away.

"Ummm.... wait up mum!" I call her back.

"Yes honey" she answers reluctant to look me in the eye.

"Please take care of yourself. You're my only family...i don't know what I'll do if I lose you" I say emphasising every word.

She comes over to hug me. "I love you Esmeralda. Don't worry about me" she pats my head.

Hot tears roll down my cheeks.
It's not like i felt this was my family or trusted them, but,  when you live with someone for so long, you kinda have some sort of relationship with them but right now Zang has destroyed whatever relationship I had - or thought i had,  with my siblings and this family as a whole.

"I'm going over to Xan's" I say hurriedly wiping away my tears.

"In your onesie?" Harris says.

I nod. "Can you drop me off?"

He agrees after pulling my ear for not saying please.

I enter his sleek sports car.

"Are you and Zang married?" I ask.

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