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Juuzou's Pov.

I stood in front of her and saw she had a very detailed Cat mask. I giggled at the Mask and noticed how scared she was.

"What's wrong??" I ask kneeling down to her to see her face full of scratches.

She didn't say anything, she just looked at me with disgust.

I was pulled away by a different investigator and I realised that my hole team was there. They made a big circle around the girl and started running towards her. They poked her side causiosly waiting for Shinohara-sama to tell them to take her.

Shinohara-sama nodded and the investigators raised they're weapons at the girl. That's when I saw something that made my jaw drop. The knives in the ghouls back were pushed making the girl scream in pain before all the Investigators that were close to her started getting pulled apart.

Shinohora-sama placed his hand in front of me telling me to not attack. The girl didn't even move from its place, it was like she had an invisible Kagune!

Suddenly a deadly laugh was heard by all of us, the Ghoul raised its head to look at where the sound came from. Shinohara signaled for all of us to hide which we did, I hid inside a garbage can.

Just then a male Ghoul came into view, it was on a big building.

"Hey there traitor. How's life treating ya? Awww not so good I see" the male says teasingly.

"Go burn i-in hell!" The girl tries yelling but it only came out as a whisper.

"What was that? I can't hear traitors. Here let me end you're missery" the male says jumping down.

"In y-you're d-dreams" the girl chokes  out.

"Oh? Do you not LOVE me anymore? I clearly remember you begging for me to sleep with y-" he starts saying making me angry as hell, it's nothing, I'm sure other investigators got angry at his words aswell..........

"Shut up. I'd never do anything like that!"

"Why do you want to lie right before I kill you? You know I never understood why YOU had to be the best. You're so unsure of yourself and the only thing special about you is you're Kagune. If it wasn't for that you'd be dead. I'm going to do what papa didn't do years ago." The male declares showing his Kagune, a Bikaku, I haven't seen one since Mama!

The male attacks the Girl who was on the ground not moving, she wasn't able to move because of my blades! I knew the male was going to kill her so just before he could hurt her I jumped in and cut his Kagune.

I landed in front of the girl holding Jason the 13 in my hands angrily.

"Hahaha! Got a boyfriend now?! Oh AND he's in the CCG, the word traitor fits you perfectly doesn't it?!" The male says trying to recover from the cut I had left.

I started laughing making the male look me in the eyes.

"Seems you knew you were going to die today~" I say playing with Jason 13.

"Whys that whitey?!" The male asked angrily.

"You don't even have a mask on. You showed you're Kagune and you showed you're voice." I point out before attacking the male.

"PHSYCO!" the male yelled trying to dodge but failing.

"I PREFER NORMAL IN A CRAZY WAY!" I say before sending the Ghoul flying backwards.
"Any last words?" I as teasingly.

"Yes.....I do......I murdered Rei...Don't worry, I made sure she didn't die a virgin-" he started saying but he was cut off by his hands getting pulled out of his body.

(Juuzou suzuya x reader) Crazy For YouWhere stories live. Discover now