fifty shades of me

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You're Pov.

Juuzou's hands hand traveled under my shirt, under my bra and under my jeans while my hands only traveled under his shirt.

Juuzou laid me on the bed where he had carried me, his hands took my jeans off and had touched my thighs mercilessly "Mmhhh J-Juuzou a-ahhh" I moan as he snakes his way up to meet my lips, as he moved up he rubbed my Clint making me go crazy.

"I want you" I moan into the kiss.

Juuzou smiled, his hands softly grabbed my waist pulling our body's closer to eachother....It was really amazing.....I laid Juuzou down and took his pants off, his member becoming bigger with every contact we had.

I kiss his V line before continuing to take his boxers off when Suddenly he stopped me. He had pulled my chin up making me stop all my actions, he was sitting up but looking down in slight dissapointment.

"J-Juuzou?" I stutter standing slightly more up so I could see his face.

"I-I'm sorry" he said suddenly starting to cry.

"Juuzou??! What's wrong-?" I ask but I'm cut off.

"I'm a bad boyfriend! I don't have money to buy you expensive stuff like others do, I'm rarely home and I can't even please you!" He says harshly before putting his hand on his eyes to cover the tears falling down.

"No you're not" I giggle slightly "I don't like expensive stuff, I like how you work and of course you can please me, Juuzou...You're the perfect boyfriend for me...." I smile lightly.

"Mmhhh really?" He asks quietly.

"Yes" I smile.

"Well in that case" a sudden smirk appeared on his face before he pushed me onto the bed.

-Time skip-

Juuzou layed down beside me, I was still panting and sweating along with him, his hands go around my back, pulling me closer before he put some blankets on top of us.

I bite his neck *making sure not to bite his stiches* one last time before snuggling up into his chest and closing my eyes gently.

"I love you" Juuzou whispered.

"I...Love...You" I whisper back, trying to qeek myself awake but I was to drained si I fell right into the darkness.

3rd person Pov.

Y/n didn't feel right, leaving Juuzou alone to go buy groceries. It wasn't like Juuzou was goanna get taken away from her it was just a feeling....

She fastened her pace trying to look as normal as possible, there were more things happening, her hunger was great, her feet hurt and she was screw for Juuzou now more then ever.

They're boots hit the street floor in perfect sync. They had they're plan straight, meeting up in front of the door they ran up the different types of stairs until they found the room.

"Let's go" he smirked before kicking the door down with his foot.

Touka put on some music before looking at the time....'17:29'...'17:30....' She closed her eyes tightly. Practically feeling the pain of her own doing.

She tried concentrating on the music but here ears were concentrating on something else.....Then it came.....The blood rushing scream of an angry and destroyed Ghoul. She bowled her fists and but her lip as tears fell down creating a pool on her floor.

The door smashed open to Nishiki, he stopped himself from saying what he wanted to say "Oh god.........How could you?" He asked making Touka even more guilty Nishiki slammed the door shut and walked back downstairs.
"She's comming.....I think she's comming for Touka" he tells Yoshimura sadly.
He nods, his face was straight making everyone understand this wasn't an easy matter. They closed the shop as quick as possible and waited for Y/n's apperence.

Suddenly the window on the left smashed making eyes one turn to it to she Y/n angrily walking towards Nishiki, her Kagune grabbing his neck viciously making Nishiki choke. He couldn't get out of her grip no matter how hard he tried and if he pulled out his own Kagune he knew she would brake it in seconds.

"WHO TOOK HIM?! TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Y/n yells our agony an hatred.

Nishiki didn't respond as she chocked him even harder.

"Y/N STOP-!" Yoshimura is cut off when her Kagune takes them all by the neck angrily. Milan stepped out of me and walked around all of them angrily. "Tell us where he is right now!" She spat venom.

"Some....Bettayed you" Nishiki said quickly, his vision was to blurry and he couldn't make anything out so he spilled trying to save his own life. Y/n let him go making him fall to his knees while gasping for air. She let all of them go and walked towards Nishiki. "Who.did.this?" She asked I'm a threatening voice.

"I DID!" Touka yelled. Trying to sound confident but her voice broke making her sound like a baby dog.

Y/n looked up before charging directly for Touka and grabbing her by the neck. Milan drinking her box of juice in the background.

Y/n didn't spend any time before starting to brake Touka's Bones knowing they would regenerate. "Where?!" She yelled braking her left foot bone "IS?!" she yelled over Touka's screaming, continuing to brake her "HE?!!!" She yelled one last time before throwing Touka off of the stairs.

Touka coughed blood while trying to catch her breath.

"TELL ME!!" Y/n ordered.

"A-Agoori tree!" Touka cried. She was even to scared to stand up for her own bones sake.

Y/n growled before grabbing Touka's arm and walking away with her angrily.


Juuzou was thrown into a cold room where his hands were chained up, his read slippers were thrown away making him angry but he managed to keep himself calm.

The day to the cell opens slightly, a white tall male walking inside the room. A warm look on his face, he closes the door and walks towards Juuzou with a tray of food.

Juuzou's Pov.

"Here you go" a man's voice said, I sniffed the food and started to laugh.

"You think I'm goanna eat that shit?" I laugh.
"Wha-? Juuzou?!" The man asks all of the sudden. I look up at him, my vision was blurry and I was dizzy but I still managed to keep my cheeky grin and my composure "No shit sherlock" I say.

"Juuzou can you see me? Juuzou look at me" the boy said.

I looked down and blinked a few times before realising I won't be able to stay up, falling to my side I sighed and closed my thought.

"Juuzou wai-!" His voice is cut off by my sleep....

"Juuzou!!" Y/n laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a random Ice cream shop. "Which flavour do you want??" She asked with a smile.

"Hmmm I don't know. I'll get the same as you!" I laugh.

"Chocolate please!" She orders. We go for a walk. It was nice and warm and even though my face was bloody and my clothes were dirty Y/n still looked at me like I was a God....She made me feel so happy.

"Here Juuzou. I got you something!" Y/n smiled giving me a necklace. "Awe! Thank you Y/n-chan! I love it!!" I smile leaning it to give her a kiss.

Suddenly were both pulled away from eachother and I feel a sting in pain in my back.

I wake up to some guys beating the hell out of me.

"WHY THE FUCK ARN'T YOU CRYING?!" A guy yells making me laugh.

"This is goanna be a long ni-" I'm cut off by another kick to the chest....

(Juuzou suzuya x reader) Crazy For YouWhere stories live. Discover now