Why Can't I feel?

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*That's Milan*

You're Pov.

The door to my room smashed open getting my full attention. I jumped up with my Vectors in attack mode.

"Hello Ghoul-chan~!" Juuzou sang.

"Juuzou...." I let out a breath I didn't know was holding.

"I'm sorry about that, how are you and Milan?" Shinohara asks smiling.

"........Milan is.....Bad but I can take it..." I say trying to smile.

"I see.....Well there is something we would like you to see" Shinohara says motioning for me to follow them.

I nod and walk out. They close the door and we continue walking. My eyes widen when I see were going outside. I look back at Shinohara to see him smiling. Juuzou was singing while walking funny. We step outside and I can smell the beautiful smell of flowers, new paper, new clothes.....I can hear people walking, people talking, TV's playing......Everything. But something......Something wasn't right. Suddenly Ghouls surround us, Juuzou and Shinohara get into a fighting stance and I let my Vectors out.

We fought and fought but we just couldn't win.....A figure laughed making all of us look over at it. My eyes widen and my heart stopped when I saw Papa.

"Hello, Traitor....." He said making my blood boil.

".....Attack...." he said as everyone started attacking us again. I was grabbed by Ghouls and they cut my Vectors in half making me scream.

Shinohara gets stabbed 50 times killing him right in front of me. Next they grabbed Juuzou.

"NOOOOO!!!!" I yell pushing the Ghouls away at full force. I ran towards Juuzou and jump in front of him. I hug him tightly getting stabbed by the Ghouls Kagunes.

Juuzou's eyes widen and he puts his hand on my cheek making it break like glass. I turn around and make a big circle of fire. I grab Juuzou and throw him away from the circle and make it bigger making sure no Ghoul escaped from it......Not even me.....

I close my eyes and run towards Papa. He starts laughing as I jump and brake his neck before throwing him in the fire. As everyone Cought fire I walk to the middle and sit down. Milan papered in front of me holding her can of juice.

"Hey....." I say sadly.

"Hey......Weird way to die don't you think.....?" Milan asks making me chuckle.

"Yeah.....I never got to say I'm sorry...." I say as tear fall down my cheek.

"Now you're just unfair. I can't feel anything.....I can't cry with you.....I wish I could though...." she says before laughing.

"What?" I ask wiping away tears.

"You killed him! Doesn't it feel right?"

"Milan what's going on....? You're not-"

"Haha and now you're going to burn me again....."

"This.....Isn't real......?" I ask myself looking down.

"Good job finding out......Now tell me" Milan says aa her voice becomes darker. "Why did you run away"

I stay quiet.

"Don't be like that. I only want to play" she says grabbing my neck and pushing me towards the fire.

"AAAHHHH-" I yell as the fire burns my cheek.

Milan wasn't Milan.....Papa took her but how....??

Suddenly everything goes black. My eyes are open.....The fire, the corpses, Milan....Everything was gone. I stand up and look around....As if on a show some lights go on and I realise I was in some sort of studio. The door opens and Juuzou runs towards me.

My eyes widen when I see Shinohara and the other Investigators there.

"What.....?" I whisper looking down.

"It was a test......We had to-"

"A TEST?! A TEST!!" I yell pushing Juuzou away.

"(Y/n) calm d-" Milan says appearing next to me.

They.....They....Did it....So I could use-"

"NO JUST CALM DOWN! Papa isn't going to get you-" Milan grabs my shoulders.

"Why did you do this....??" I ask angrily.

They put me to my knees and put me to sleep. Next thing I know I'm in my bed all chained up again.

I let out a scream of Anger and I try to break the Chains but nothing helped.
I sigh and the door opens. Juuzou Brough me food again and a key. He got the key and unlocked my chains.

I stood up and looked at the meat in my plate.

"Well.....? Eat" Juuzou says looking at me.

"I'm not hungry" I say looking away.

"Oh well. So c'mon" and with that he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him outside.

"Are we really-"

"Yup! C'mon. I saw what you would do and I know you won't run away so let's go!"


"Zoo duh!"

I gulp and he pulls me towards a big Zoo. We paid and entered the place. Juuzou wanted to go to the Giraffes but I wanted to see the Tigers. We decided on looking at all the animals at the zoo. Juuzou even bought me a tiger toy and I bought him a Giraffe toy.

Juuzou bought a sandwich and we sat down on the grass.

"So what's you're favourite book??" He asks looking at me.

".....I like many, Hunger games, Harry Potter, To kill a mockingbird Mmmm I also like the giver" I say counting my fingers.

"Oh I like to kill a mockingbird too" Juuzou smiles.

"Do you like the Notebook???" I ask hopefully.

"The what? I don't know it-"

I gasp and grabbed his hand. We ran to a book store and I grabbed a bunch of books to read. Juuzou pay for all of them and we headed to a park so we can read.

"Here ya go" I say giving h the book 'The Notebook'


"Don't judge a book by its cover. Read" I say grabbing the book 'all about love'

We read all sorts of books and we even talked about them.

"So do you like Twilight?" I ask.

"What" he gives me THE FACE.

"What??" I ask innocently.

"I DON'T READ THAT SHIT!" he says dramatically making me laugh.

"Haha good" I say laughing.
"Hey, who allowed me to leave??" I finally ask.

"Me" Juuzou answered while drawing.

"Wait......ONLY You??!"


"So no one else knows I'm not there anymore??!"


"JUUZOU THEY'RE GOANNA THINK I RAN AWAY!" I jump up grabbing the bag with the books.

"H-" I cut him off by grabbing his wall and running towards the CCG building.

Once we were there I was imidiatley grabbed and knocked out.

(Juuzou suzuya x reader) Crazy For YouWhere stories live. Discover now