My Eyes

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You're Pov.

I took a bite of the hand and realised that Juuzou just cut off someone's hand so I don't die.......I swallowed the hole hand and suddenly I could hear Juuzou's hole body, the blood, his heart, his flesh.....Everything.....It sounded so delicious but I held back and tried to act normal.....

"T-Thanks......" I say licking the blood off my lips.

"Sooooooooooo.........You're name is (Y/n) right?" He asks smiling.

I nod and we continued talking about eachother.......I even learned about his past, his book colection and I also learned that if I cooperate I can be let go or even work here......Of course I wasn't pleased with the idea but it was an idea......

"Juzzou-" I was cut of by a yawn.

"You're tiered aren't you? Well good night, have Ghooly dreams!" He says opening the door.

"Juuzou wait!" I say making him look back at me.

"It's freezing here and I don't know how to turn of the heater" I say mentally slapping myself. It's not like he's going to help!

To my surprise he WALKED over to the heater and did his magic before walking back to the door.

"It'll be warm in here in seconds! Night!"

"Night Juuzou!! and thanks......" I whisper the last part hoping he wouldn't hear.

"You're welcome!" And with that he left.

He was right, the room was as warm as a bakery within seconds! WAS HE TRYING TO KILL ME?! IT WAS SO WARM MY BODY STARTED BURNING. I ran over to the heater to see it was on 1 ON 1 how the hell is 1 so damn warm?!

I shut the heater off only to fund out that the warmness wasn't coming from the heater.......My breath stopped for a second knowing there were no windows I could open and that my door was locked.

"MARLA!!" I yell making Marla appear.

"Yes? OH SHUT IT'S HIT IN HERE!!" She yells angrily flopping her juice around.

"Marla we have to get out of here!" I yell scared.

"Ummm yeah....Uhhh the uhhh DOOR THE DOOR!!" she yells running towards the door.

"MARLA!!" I yell as she Cought fire..... Damn it was too much for her! The bed and table Cought fire making me close my left eye. I clutched my teeth and tried ramming the door down.

My Vectors were no help, they would catch fire within seconds! My vision started blurring making me try breaking the steal-made door down again and again.

I tried one last time.......I fell down from how warm it was......I looked around with my vision still blurry catching the carpet catch fire.
I bowled my fists and forced my body up again......I ran towards the door with all my might managing to break it down!

I ran dow the stairs and managed to run outside but also the alarm set off makingultiple Investigators catch me outside.

I fell to my knees letting my body cool down when someone gripped my hair hard.

"HEY DON'T TOUCH HER!" juuzou's angry voice yelled making the person let go of my hair.

Juuzou kneeled down next to me looking angrily at me, h then noticed my body was as red as a tomato, I let the dark take over me and I fell into Juuzou's arms.....

Juuzou's Pov.

'HOW COULD SHE?! SHE TRIED RUNNING AWAY! AND TO THINK I-' my thoughts are quickly stopped when I notice her body was as red as hell before she passed out in my arms. JEASUS SHE WAS BURNING! I held her tightly, I placed my hand under her knees and my other hand around her shoulders, standing up I looked at Shinohara-sama who was smirking.

(Juuzou suzuya x reader) Crazy For YouWhere stories live. Discover now