Chapter 5- Drunk sluts

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Drunk sluts


The most intimidating part? Having a guy twice your size stare at you, like he wants to kill you.

"We can't wreck the place there's someone inside." Caleb protested wanting to protect they girl with the blue eyes.

"Fine." Red grumbled.

Red was one of John's friends.

He was completely ready, and now he looked like he wanted to rip Caleb apart.

Nice guy.

Caleb finally managed to lead them away from the church and sighed with relief. At least the girl was safe.

At least.


When Autumn got home Carrie was waiting for her.

"Sweetie, I was wondering. Could you help me out at the hospital this week?" Aunt Carrie asked.

Carrie remembered how, when Autumn was little, she would come to cheer up the patients.

She decided since, Autumn was in a good mood lately, she could do it. "Why not?" Autumn replied.

"Alright, right after school." Carrie informed her.

She would start tomorrow, but first she had to go tell Addie. She went over to the day care and and engulfed Addie in a hug.

"Hey sweetie!" Autumn exclaimed. "How was church?" Addie asked.

"It worked." Autumn said in disbelief.

They stood there in silence for a while.

Autumn took Addie's little pudgy hands and looked her in the eye. "Thank you." She said sincerely, and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Autumn repeated.

They stayed there like that for a while.

"Is it ok if I go to the hospital this week? I might not be able to see you though." Autumn asked.

Addie nodded. "Sure, but we have to spend as much time as possible together while we can." She said.

So they did.


Caleb woke up thinking about the girl with amazing eyes.

He still hasn't met Autumn yet and he was wondering if he ever would. Most of all he wondered if the girl he had seen at the church was her. She had glassy blue eyes like Addie had described. He then mentally slapped himself. Lots of girls have blue eyes.

It was Monday and he didn't really feel like going to school. He wanted to drop out, but John wouldn't let him.

"I promised dad you would graduate." John told him.

It annoyed him. Besides the fact that school was undeniably boring, he had other things to worry about. Girls were all over him, wanting to posses him, make him theirs. He also had to deal with Kelli the one who tried harder than the others. It was annoying.

Unfortunately he had to deal with it. That was the life he lived.


Autumn's first day at the hospital was fun.

Despite being teased at school she was still plenty happy at the hospital. She enjoyed making others feel happy. Everyday throughout the week she anticipated coming. The week was going well and she was sad when Friday came.

At least I'll get to see Addie, she thought.

She had become a far cry from the hopeless, crying, depressed girl she once was. She was smiling. For the first time in a while.


After school Caleb went to pick up Addie.

It was Friday and there was probably going to be a hectic party at home, so he planned to take little Addie to the playground at the park, to avoid the house. He picked her up and she skipped home in front of him.

She was adorable.

When they got to the house the party was already in full swing. "Great." Caleb grumbled.

He turned to face Addie.

"We have to go in and out, OK?" He told Addie.

They were going to get a blanket and a jacket.

She nodded fully understanding. When they came in they were greeted by a drunk John.

"Caleb! Come party with us!" He yelled and he let out a whoop.

Music was blaring and people were everywhere.

"No thanks!" Caleb shouted trying to be heard.

"Addie and I have to go somewhere." He told his brother.

"Nonsense!" John said and grabbed Caleb's arm and started to drag him away leaving Addie alone in a crowd.


Addie was terrified. Her big brother was gone and she was lost in a crowd of people. One drunken slut shoved her over through the crowd. She finally toppled onto the floor hitting a big bulky man in the way down.

He looked down and let out a cold laugh.

"What do we have here?" He said staring at the five year old.

Addie scrambled up and tried to run only to be stopped by the man. He backed her up against a wall with a murderous smile in his big ugly face. Addie let out a whimper. All of the sudden Caleb burst through the crowd, his face filling with horror when he saw Addie. He got in between the man and Addie.

"Back of man." He growled.

"I'm just having little fun." The man said shoving Caleb aside.

The man focused his attention back to Addie.

"Scared?" He teased. His breath reeked of alcohol.

Drunk probably. Waaaay drunk.

She flattened against the wall looking for a way out.

All of the sudden Caleb came from behind and punched the guy in the face pushing him back. A fight broke out and Addie, watched in horror, as her brother was beat up by the big man. When she saw blood she squeezed her eyes shut, to scared to watch anymore. All of the sudden she heard sirens. When she opened her eyes she saw her brother being carried into an ambulance on a stretcher.


Wow, that was just... Intense. I enjoyed writing that part.

Now this is where:


Some serious chiz is about to happen.

So basically, this chapter is for Ren_ayuzawa138 for being ma best bud. She was the first to ever read this book; Band mates forever!

(She's also Addie's number one fan... FANGIRLING)

Also partially to soccergirl14582, for just randomly being there...

Out of no where.


Stay crazy,

Dino :")

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