Chapter 6- Eyes Give You Away

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Eyes Give You Away


Caleb was rushed to the hospital. All he could say was,

"Addie, Addie."

Eventually he got to the hospital and he was carried away. All of the sudden he was in a room, on a bed.

A pretty face appeared.

It was the girl with amazing eyes.

"You, it's-it's you." He stuttered.

She gave him a puzzled look.

"Who, who are you? What is your name?" He asked.

She hesitated.

"Autumn." She said. "My name is Autumn."

Then he passed out.


Autumn was confused. They had brought in a patient who apparently knew her.

When they got the call that he had gotten beaten up by some dude, her aunt thought he was another ne'er who shouldn't be paid attention to. But when she saw the guy, he wasn't what she expected at all. He had warm brown eyes, and careless, messy, sandy hair. Just like Addie. She instantly remembered her.

He looked just like her. When he had seen Autumn he had looked startled. He seemed to know her.

She certainly didn't know him. He had asked for her name and them passed out leaving her wondering, who was he?


Big fat tears poured out from Addie's eyes. The place had cleared out and the police overlooked her, leaving her alone.

There was no one in sight.

Suddenly, a pair of beefy hands grabbed her from behind. She started screaming and kicking, throwing a tantrum like the five year old she was.

"Shut up!" A rough voice yelled and covered her mouth.

She bit him in response, but he just grunted.

Her brother had been taken away, she was being taken by strange people away from her home, and they wouldn't let her go. She was terrified to be honest. When the man- whoever he was- took her past John, he was to drunk to do anything. He loaded her into a little car, and threw her in the back seat. The last thing she remembered was watching out the window as her little house disappeared from sight.


Caleb sat in the hospital the next couple days worrying about Addie.

He imagined how frightened he was, and how she felt.

All alone with his idiot brother John.

Another thing he couldn't stop thinking about was Autumn.

When he had woke up she was gone, never to be seen again. He didn't see her for next couple days, and she didn't visit. When he asked the other nurses they said nothing. On Tuesday he was set free. He was given a ride home, and he could wait to find Addie. He walked inside the house to find John making out with a short redhead.

He rolled his eyes and trudged upstairs.

Caleb looked for Addie in her room, but she wasn't there. He searched all over the house to find nothing. He asked his brother to no avail. John just kept making out with the redhead.

He looked all around, but he couldn't find her. That is where he started to freak out.

Where the heck could she be?, he thought, seriously worried. He needed to find her.

He went back to school on Wednesday, Addie and the girl with the blue eyes constantly on his mind.

At school, all the girls fawned over him, showering him with attention. He got attention from all the girls... except from the one he wanted to hear from. He still never saw her at all during school, and he wondered how he could miss her. He spent some time looking for her, but she never appeared. He hadn't seen her at all... yet.


Autumn went to school on Thursday wondering where Addie was.

She had came everyday of the week, but she wasn't there. She asked Mrs. Kane, and she hadn't seen Addie at all. She was starting to worry. Then she started to think about the guy from the hospital. She searched her brain for any memory of that guy, but she found nothing. She didn't even know his name. She went over to her locker and all of the sudden she saw him.


He was against the lockers being flocked by a bunch of girls. She suddenly remembered seeing him at the table Kelli walked over to. She took a step back, stunned. She got her stuff as fast as possible and ran of to her next class still stunned.

Autumn took a seat.

She wondered if she wanted him to know her, to see her.

Autumn decided against it. She knew she would get sucked in like all the other girls he toyed with and she didn't want to become one of them. Besides she didn't even know who he was.

Then again, she thought, he didn't seem that bad at the hospital.

Autumn shook her head. She decided not to become one of his toys and sighed. When he walked into the classroom she ducked her head being careful to stay unnoticed. It was inconveniencing to dodge him, but she still did. At the end of class she stayed a little behind to avoid him, but she failed.

He had stayed late to turn in a report that he missed turning in on Monday. As she headed for the door they collided.

"Crap." She grumbled as his papers fell to the floor.

She was well mannered enough to help pick up the papers giving them to the teacher instead of him. When she did, her sleeve slipped down her arm, revealing her scars. She noticed his eyes grow big. She looked over at him, making a big mistake.

He saw her eyes.

From that moment he knew it was her.


So much foreshadowing!!! Well here's the new chap, and I hope you like it. I'm staring to have fun with this story, since the plot is falling into place. Ya know, more action.

So yeah.

Stay crazy,

Dino :")

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