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Onward to the poem thing.
Most of us tell story about our life, recounting old memories, as though they where stamped into our minds like stars. Sometimes we believe they will help us make our mark, that if we tell them enough, one day we will become legends.

Somehow I no longer believe that, after all yes your voice has effect, but the stories other will tell of you go at lot farther, if you hurt others instead of bringing them up, your legend becomes tainted, no matter the amount of great stories you spout, someone is going to think their hallow.

Your words can have such a great affect, you could turn around someone day just by caring, this is something I know, so try to find the best in people, after all you never know what's happening behind closed doors.


Sometimes I wonder why life is so random, one day someone you know might seem to be perfectly fine, but a couple months later you find out they had a Aneurysm the night before, it's twisted and harsh. Yet we need to keep living, sure maybe not for yourself, but for those you around you.

If you can remain after life's hardest curve balls, then help others through theirs, and if you can't tell someone don't let that emotion become bottled up ready to explode at the drop of a hat. Yes sometimes life can feel like a hill you can't climb because everytime you take a step something pushes you down, but once you reach the top and finally get to see that view, your whole world will change.

Life will never slow down for you, but you can keep up with life.
Ether I'm feeling very inspirational, or kinda depressed, anyways that was two poems for the price of one, so hope you enjoyed my scientist friends!

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