Chapter 10

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I looked all around town and I couldn't find either of them. I finally gave up and walked back to the Curtis house. As soon as I walked in, Becca and Sadie jumped off the couch and ran to me. "Hurry up, its already 5:30, we don't want you late for your date." Sadie told me, smirking. "Get in the shower, i'll find you something to wear." Becca tells me, pushing me into he bathroom. I laugh and lock the bathroom door to take a shower. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I was pushed into my bedroom by Sadie. "Hurry up and change, me and Becca wanna do your hair and makeup." Sadie yells through the door. I started laughing and changed into the clothes Becca set out for me (^^) I walked out of the bedroom and they did my hair and makeup. I wasn't aloud to look in the mirror until they were done. "Oh my God Christine you look hot." Becca tells me laughing. "Thank you I guess." I told her while laughing. "I heard y'all are gonna go see a scary movie." Sadie said smirking. "I love scary movies." I told them smiling. I looked at the clock and it said 6:55. "Okay he should be here any minute." Sadie tells me getting excited. I laughed. Then the door bell rang and I stood up to open it.

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