"cliche & cute moments."

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Aaron Carpenter - You laid your head on Aaron's chest, watching the inky sky above you. You lace your fingers with his, and a small smile plays on his lips as he watches you. You are silent, staring at the stars as they twinkle brightly. "Beautiful," He breathes, and you nod in agreement, "No, not the stars." He smiles, and you peer up at him in confusion. "Then what's beautiful?" You inquire, "You." He answers, and you flush crimson. "That is so cheesy, Aaron!" You laugh. "But you like it." 

Cameron Dallas - You sat on the edge of the pool and stuck your toes in, enjoying the cold water. "Come swim with me, babe." Cameron pouts, swimming in front of you. "I'd prefer staying dry for now, Cam." You smile and he frowns. "Y/N." He whines and you roll your eyes. "But please?" You couldn't resist his puppy dog face and you were fully clothed but you jumped in anyway. You laughed and so did he. You swam closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and smile. "This is why I love you." He says before pecking your lips. 

Carter Reynolds - You were bored out of your mind and you decided to annoy Carter. You grabbed one of the pillows and crept up behind him. He noticed you and spun around but before he could react, you whacked him with it. He smirked and charged at you but you ran away. He chased after you through the house and you had managed to out run him. But he quickly caught up to you and he threw you on his shoulder. "Carter! Put me down!" You laughed, "Nope! Never in a million years." He said and it only made you laugh louder. "Cartah, don't do that!" You tried imitating his mom and he was in hysterics. He set you down on the couch and he hovered over you. "I love you." He whispered, planting a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips. 

Jack Gilinsky - You were sitting in front of Jack who suggested to paint you. And he just begun and you were anxious on what the results would be. He glanced over at you and flashed you a smile, and your heart raced and the butterflies swarmed your tummy. He leaned back and grinned at his work. "Finished." Once those words left his mouth you quickly run to his side, nearly knocking the stool you were sitting on. You gaped at the painting. In cursive letters the word, perfect was painted on the canvas. You turn to him and he flushes, "It's not what you expected and it's quite cliche, but -." You cut him off short with a short yet passionate kiss. "I love it, Jack. Cliche or not, I love it." 

Jack Johnson - You were on your couch, and you cuddled with Jack. It was raining outside and it was quite frustrating because you wanted to go out with Jack, but the weather was being a little fucker. You were switching through channels and Jack was playing with the ends of your hair, until he sat straighter and dropped your hair. "I've got an idea." Jack said out of the blue, and you quirked an eyebrow. "What is it?" You inquire, "Follow me." He grabs your hand and leads you out the house, but you stop him before you were under the cold rain. "Jack, are you crazy it's raining!" You exclaim and he rolls his eyes. "Just come with me, Y/N." He says, and flashes you a smile that melts your insides. You sigh and give in, grinning like an idiot. He drags you out the house and in a matter of seconds you are both drenched from head to toe. "It's freezing!" You yell and he laughs. He picks you up by the waist and twirls you around. "But it's worth it." He says and kisses you. 

Matthew Espinosa - You and Matt were with your parents on a vacation at your lake house. It was already night and you were all sitting by the camp fire. Your dad yawned, "I think it's time for us to go to bed." He said and everyone else agreed. But you and Matt were still hyper and looking for some fun to do, but that couldn't be done since your parents were around. "We'll just stay for a little bit." You say and your dad eyes both of you. "Okay, but I don't want any funny business." He instructs, "Goodnight dad, goodnight mom." You say and Matt follows. You stare at the flicking fire, resting your head on Matt's shoulder. Your eyes start to droop and Matt notices, so he picks you up bridal style and you close your eyes. The next thing you know, you're being thrown into the lake. You go up to the surface and your lips are quivering from the temperate of the water. "Fuck, Matthew! It's fucking freezing!" You yelled, and he laughs before jumping in after you. "Don't worry baby, I'm here to keep you warm." He winks and swims over to you with a smirk playing on his lips. "You're lucky I love you, Matthew." You smile and lean towards him and you push him under. He comes up to the surface and laughs it off. "I love you too," 

Nash Grier - You grabbed all your make-up from your bathroom and dropped it onto the bed beside Nash. His eyes widened and he gulped, "You're going to put all that on my face?" He inquired, "Not all." You said, and then scratched your chin, "Maybe." You teased. Today Nash agreed to do the 'My girlfriend does my make-up tag' and you were his girlfriend and you were most certainly willing to do this. He turned on his camera and did an introduction. "And joining me is my lovely girlfriend, Y/N." He smiles and looks over to you and you wave. "Hello." You say, "Okay, let's start." He says and you smirk. You start to put on his foundation and he whines about why it feels so weird. You were almost done and you were halfway through putting on his lipstick and you decided to mess with him, by smearing it over his lip line. You giggled and tried to contain your laughter. "Wait, get my wig." He says when you're finished. You grabbed his purple wig and handed it to him and he chucked it on. "I bet I look so ratchet." He laughs and you nodded before bursting into fits of giggles. You handed him a mirror and his eyes nearly fell off his sockets. You quickly took a picture and showed it to him. "You look beautiful, babe." You smile, and he grins cheekily before pressing his lips all over your face. "Eww!" You squeal and he hugs you from your side and smiles at the camera. 

Shawn Mendes - You grabbed the eggs from the fridge and set them down on the counter tops. You and Shawn decided to bake because you were both quite bored. "Okay, we got everything we need." Shawn says and reads the first instruction and you were halfway through the process of making it when Shawn asked you to hand him an egg and you oblige. "Sure." You threw the egg and he wasn't quite the best catcher and it landed on his shirt. You gasped and couldn't help but giggle. He gaped at you and smirked, "So you think this is funny, do ya'?" He questions, and grabs a handful of flour. Your eyes widened, "Shawn, I swear if you throw that at me I'll never forgive you again." You threaten and he laughs before smothering your face with it. "Shawn, I just showered." You whined and he poked his tongue out. "You should have thought about that when you threw that egg at me." He chuckled, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You grabbed the spatula which had some batter on the tip of it and you smeared it on Shawn's face. You laughed and suddenly food started flying everywhere. The floor was now slippery thanks to the baking soda and you slid and you were about to fall so you decided to drag Shawn down with you. "Ugh - I have to take another shower again." You groan as you look down at yourself, laughing a bit. "Can I join you?" Shawn asks cheekily, "Shut up, Mendes." 

Taylor Caniff - You were at a Lakers game with Taylor and it was timeout and you rested your head on his shoulder when you felt Taylor poke your side. "Yes?" You peered up at him and noticed him staring at the jumbo tron and you see both your faces there above the word Kiss Cam. You blush furiously and Taylor smirks at you. He cups your face and leans in slowly and kisses you roughly. You smile in the kiss and laughs a bit. When you pull apart Taylor smiles at you and you bury your face in his chest. Then Taylor feels someone tap his shoulder, and he turned to face an old lady. "Can I get a kiss next?" She inquired, and that's when you laughed hysterically. Taylor grinned and planted a very short kiss on her lips. The crowd was laughing and you were too. Taylor turned to you and smiled, "I love you. And only you." He says and pecks your cheek. 

A/N: So Taylor's was a bit weird wasn't it? Haha. I cracked up writing it, but anyway vote and comment! x. 

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