"break-ups." #1

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Aaron Carpenter - Silent tears fall down Aaron's face as he turns away from your gaze. "Aaron." You call out, extending your hand but you pull back; you prayed that this was all a joke, a dream but it wasn't. "Y/N, it's for the best." He sighs and runs a hand through his disheveled hair. "For the best." You scoff, "Aaron, this isn't for the best!" Your voice rises and he lets out a frustrated yell. "It is! Because I'm tired of playing this game over and over!" He hisses, glaring at you and you step back, taking this all in. Tears brim your eyes but you refuse for them to fall. "No, Aaron! You can't just do this! You're going to throw everything we ever had?" You question, your voice threatening to crack. "Yes." He whispers and your breaths turned short. By now the tears were pouring down your cheeks, "Okay then. Goodbye Aaron." You held a strong expression but you knew you were going to break. He didn't reply instead he stared at you with so much hurt and you walked to the front door, grasping the metal knob but before you left, you told him, "But just know that I love you." With that you flew the door open and you left him. 

Cameron Dallas - "I can't keep doing this, Cameron! It's tiring!" You scream and Cameron clenches his jaw. "Don't you think it's tiring for me too! Don't you!" He yells and you growl at him, "Don't you fucking yell at me, Cameron!" You hiss and he rolls his eyes and follows you to the kitchen. "I've had enough, Y/N!" He slams his fist down on the marble counter but he doesn't flinch. "Okay, go break your fucking hand now." You spat and his glare turns intense. "I'm done! I'm so fucking done! I'm done!" He chants and you clench your jaw. "Done with what! Us?" You growl and he nods his head violently, "Yes! I'm done with us! I don't love you anymore! I'd be better with out you!" He screams, flailing his hand in the air and while he blabs on about why he's done with your relationship; you let tears fall down your face but he doesn't notice. "Okay, Cameron. If you want to break up, just tell me nicely next time because it would be a lot easier." Your voice breaks and you run out of the kitchen. Cameron doesn't chase after you, instead he slides down the floor, head in his hands as he sobs. He lost you and he knows he'll never get you back. 

Carter Reynolds - Silence engulfed your car, the rain pouring down. The car was parked in the driveway but not one of you got out. You chewed down on your lower lip as you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I can't do this anymore." Carter murmurs, "I think we should just," He pauses and you glance at him with teary eyes and he doesn't dare look at you back. "I think we should just break up." He sighs, and even if you knew that this was the best for both of you, you had a feeling in your gut that you could fix this but you were both tired of doing the same old routine for the past three months. "Carter," You start and this time he glances over to you with puffy and red eyes. "Carter, I love you." You say, a lump forming in your throat as you talked. "But aren't you going to fight for us?" You question, trembling hands grasping his. "I've been fighting for so long." He grows frustrated and his voice rises, "I've been trying so god damn hard to try and save what we have! But this is a sign that it never was meant to be! I don't love you anymore, Y/N! I don't!" He yells and you let go of his hand and you sob softly. "Y/N, I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore. I've done everything." In the last bit his voice simmers down to a whisper and you nod slowly before opening the passenger door and into the cold pouring rain. 

Jack Gilinsky - You entered Jack's room with caution; you spotted him sitting on the edge of his bed, tears cascading down his cheeks and your heart breaks a little. "Jack," You murmur and sit down beside him. "Tell me you love me." He whispers, and you open your mouth to speak but no words fall out. "Jack, I -." You were cut off by him, "Tell me you love me, Y/N." He requests desperately. He stands down in front of you and bends down to your level to meet your eyes but you glance away, avoiding eye contact. "Look at me in the eye and tell me that you don't want us anymore. Tell me that you're done. Tell me that you don't love me anymore." He grabs your hand and you stifle a sob and he squeezes your hand gently, you still feel the sparks, the butterflies swarming your tummy but it doesn't feel right anymore. "Tell me!" He yells and you whimper. "Y/N! Look at me dead in the eye! Please." He cries out and you take your trembling lower lip and bite down on it. "Y/N! Fucking tell me! Tell me that you don't want to be with me anymore and I'm gone!" He yells and sobs loudly and your heart literally shatters into bits and pieces that might not be mended back together. The silence engulfs both of you and you're both crying. "Look me in the eye and tell me a lie." He whispers, and peers up at you and you finally muster the courage to look at him without breaking down, "I love you." 

Jack Johnson - "Baby?" He whispers and you sniffle, "Baby, listen to me." He croaks, grabbing your arm and you shove him away. "Get away from me." You cry, staring at him with glassy eyes. "Babe, it was a mistake." He begs but you shook your head, "A mistake that happen to get a girl pregnant!" You scream and he flinches. "I'm sorry." He whispers and you manage a dry laugh. "Sorry!" You scoff, "Sorry won't cut it Johnson!" You yell, shoving him back and he stumbles. "After everything I've been through with you! Every bullshit that I've put up with and this is what I fucking get! You got me to trust you, to love you! How could I have been so stupid!" You scream, knees shaking as you stood. "You played me! I got sucked into this sick twisted game of yours and guess what Jack! You fucking won! I'm done with falling for your shit!" You pant heavily as you made your little speech. "And I'm so done with this relationship." You growl, and by now he's sobbing along with you. "Y/N, listen I'm so sorry. I love you so much, you are my everything." He pleads, and you bit down on your inner cheek. "That's a fucking lie." You mutter and pull the ring that sat on your ring finger, "Take it, it was never going to happen anyway." You whisper, throwing the ring at him. 

A/N: So this is part 1 of "Breaks-Ups." Hopefully I'll update tomorrow or some other day. Hope you liked it! Comment your feedback, and I'll start doing requests! x.

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