"Problem - song pref."

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Aaron Carpenter - "One less problem without ya', I got one less problem without ya'."

Your's and Aaron's relationship was a bumpy ride, it was hard to keep up with him because you knew he was out of your league, he's always here and there and when he would come home all you would do was fight. Argument after argument you grew tired and he did too, but you craved his touch and his voice and you knew you needed to be wiser and realize that he was problem you didn't need, but you convinced yourself that he was a problem worth fighting for. 

Cameron Dallas - "I'll be better off without you, in no time I'll be forgettin' all about you."

You and Cameron would argue almost all the time and you decided you'll be better off without him and that's what you did, you broke up with him but he didn't seem like he cared which killed you inside. He was the reason your mascara ran, and that you couldn't go to sleep at night. But one day you woke up, and you realized that it was just pathetic to cry over him, and you spent your days rebuilding yourself and you were successful. 

Carter Reynolds - "I know you're never gonna wake up, I gotta give up. But it's you!" 

Carter was Carter, he was stubborn and didn't realize what he had and that's what made you upset. And you broke it off with him, he didn't seem fazed by the situation and no matter what you did you couldn't get over him. And it was you who came running back to him and begging him to be yours again. Even after that Carter still didn't cherish you like you deserved. You wanted him to wake up, but you knew very well he wouldn't. Even if you wanted to give up on him so badly you couldn't. 

Hayes Grier - "I know I shouldn't ever call back or let you come back. But it's you!" 

Hayes broke your heart and toyed with it and you knew you should keep your walls higher and that you should never let him back in no matter what he tricks he played on you. He begged and begged and never gave up and you didn't forgive him despite the voice in your head that screamed that he was being sincere and that you loved him too much to let him go but you didn't want to end up the same way you did before but one day he managed to convince you. You knew this was a bad idea and that you'll only end up hurt but you took him back anyway.  

Jack Gilinsky - "Every time you touch me and say you love me, I get a little bit breathless." 

Jack was a bad boy - there is no way of denying that. Jack was very persistent in getting you back. When he would beg you to take him back, you'd laugh at his face but when he tells you he loves you, you're always speechless for a few seconds and it's harder for you to breathe. His stare bores into you and you always swoon over his looks and his voice. Despite the fact it was hard to cope up with Jack and his drunken ways, you always fall back into his arms. 

Jack Johnson - "Cause even though I shouldn't want it, I gotta have it." 

Jack got you hooked around his finger and even you couldn't deny it. And when you both broke up, because you couldn't take it anymore, Jack wanted you still. When Jack told you he wanted you back, you couldn't say no, no matter what your subconscious told you; even if you didn't want him anymore, you always had to have him. 

Matthew Espinosa - "Tell me, tell me baby. Why can't you leave me?" 

You and Matt were always the couple who had a different relationship and it was hard to work with everyday. Matt got quite possessive at times and you were quite the stubborn and impatient person so it was very stressing to keep what you have alive and working but you had enough and decided to break up with him but Matt never left you, physically and emotionally. Yeah, he would be visiting you, begging for another chance but when he left you'd always see him, everywhere you went, and his image haunted you and your dreams. And then you realized that you needed him, despite the fact your relationship was a mess, you thought it was worth something. 

Nash Grier - "Even though I can't forgive ya', I really want ta'." 

You convinced yourself that Nash was an asshole that you had loved. Nash threatened you that he was going to ruin you and your life but you weren't afraid of him, but it still hurts because you still loved Nash and seeing him bash you with these comments and allegations you always loved him. Nash realized that no matter what he said he wasn't going to be the better person so he decided to apologize, and even considered asking you to be with him again. You wanted to hate him and you had the right too but you just couldn't. You forgave him directly and took him back. 

Shawn Mendes - "Understand my life is easier when I ain't around you." 

Shawn was known to be the innocent and shy boy but behind closed doors he was a different person; he's possessive and has a volcanic temper but you always looked past that, but it was harder each day because you kept arguing over the smallest things. You decided to break up with him for the best and once you got the taste of freedom, the weight was pushed off your shoulders. It was easier for you to live but you realized you still wanted to be with Shawn, despite the fact it made your life complicated, you convinced yourself that you didn't want an easy one anyway. 

Taylor Caniff - "I let you go, let you back, I finally learned my lesson." 

People warned you about Taylor, he liked to play with girls but you didn't care, even if every part of him screamed trouble. Taylor played you like any other girl but you never left him because you were madly in love with him and he hated to admit it but he was too but he gave in to the lust he had over other girls. You left him but he knew you'd come back and you did! But when he decided to do it again, that's when you had enough and finally decided to say no. You left him and you were going to let him pay, you learned your lesson and it was time to learn his. 

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